

Is society going downhill

Updated: 10/4/2023
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12y ago

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"Yes, we are currently in a post Christian society where in general it is implied and sometime out rightly said that it is not necessary to behave or live in a manner pleasing to GOD. We are getting farther from our roots as a GOD fearing society.

i think technology will kill society as we know it...everything is getting streamlined and the need for people in the workplace is decreasing..that's great, that's what the future promised... automation, but what happens to the people it replaces?"

The above statement was created by a human and there by is compromised at intellectual inception.

Society is always going through a state of change and no one has a means or measure to determine what is actually "good." Society has no end goal, so what can it actually achieve?

Is "good" following the precepts of "GOD"? What about those who know nothing of "GOD", are they better off? Will they ever know?

The destiny of society is like snow melting off a mountain, feeding streams, rivers and eventually the ocean only to start the cycle over again as with all empires. Each culture to rise has it's "goal", but will perish before it decides it has achieved it.

Take a picture in your mind of what is happening in the world right now. It is an incredible place. I can get in a plane, sit in a chair, be lifted to 35,000 feet and travel 500 mph and get out of that plane 3,500 miles away! Caesar would be in awe of such an advancement.

Think about what makes life work. Life, whether you believe in science or "GOD", feeds on change.

To further illustrate my actual point, what do you think the goal of all the plants are on the earth? Why don't you ask all the house cats as a culture if they feel like they are following "GOD"'s plan or "straying." (had to use a pun, sorry)

Society is not going anywhere, it is circling a giant hydrogen reaction, and it is morphing and changing into a new beast every second.

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It is not, it's just that with the ability to get news easier, you see more of the bad thigns. Also, since you don't see many good stories in the news, you only get a representation of the bad and you see things as a downward spiral.

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