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It is not easy to explain, but most men prefer it if the woman swallows - it is viewed as an act of love.

Men have the basic need to be "accepted" by you. His semen is him, at least it's from him. He feels hurt if you "reject" it. It's like you are spitting out him.

It brings you closer to him. He feels more protective of you and respects your doing it for him. Also he knows he is with you because he is in you. It's good for him that you do it.

And swallowing has some great health benefits for you.

Women who want to get pregnant prepare their bodies by swallowing their man's sperm. This attunes her immune system to let his sperm though to her egg.

Women who are pregnant should be swallowing three time per week (Semen Therapy) to prevent a dangerous condition called Pre-eclampsia. It is a rising blood pressure reaction that can harm the mother and even cause a miscarriage. It is the immune system rejecting the fetus for it's unknown DNA, unless she has been swallowing to prepare her body.

see: Wikipedia: Pre-eclampsia, Treatment and prevention, Fellatio

But, if a man has a disease that is contagious and is present in the semen then you could get sick and need to see a doctor. STD: Sexually Transmitted Disease,, STI Sexually Transmitted Infection.

The risk of HIV/AIDS is very slight from swallowing semen, even if the man is very sick, unless you have open bleeding in your mouth or throat (like from having just brushed your teeth which always opens your gums.)

Other STD/STIs are contracted from contact with the skin of the penis, so if you are letting a man put his penis in your mouth and you are sucking upon it, you are at no increased risk by going all the way and letting him have his orgasm in your mouth and swallowing all of his semen.

If he has had severe or long time exposure to radiation, poison, pollution, injections, carcinogens or drugs, these things may be in his semen. The rule is, if it's in his blood, it is in his semen.

Snorting semen from someone who is high probably will not get you high. Doing this can cause sinus pain (but will clean them right out) and probably does not contain enough of the drug to get you very high.

Semen that is ejaculated into a glass and allowed to stand at room temperature for a few minutes is the most safe to drink. Unless you have mouth or throat cancer tumors, semen is so good for all cells it's good for promoting those cells also.

Once in a while swallowing his semen as part of your love life with a healthy man can benefit you and your relationship. It is a bonding moment and most men get great comfort when you swallow. Also it allows you to keep sucking on his penis while he is at the hight of ecstasy and after.

If you begin to swallow three times per week or more you are doing Semen Therapy and you get great health benefits. There are life saving compounds in semen that "increase longevity" and "reduce aging effects." Also prevent and fight cancer and other conditions. Give you feel good hormones, vitamins, minerals, protein and Zinc Alpha Glycoprotein (ZAG). Also some compounds made by the human body to help the body of the recipient, like prostaglandins and TGFbeta (transforming growth factor beta).

If you begin swallowing semen everyday or more (for example with every meal) you will kick start a process in your body called "cachexia." This is the conversion of excess body fat into a liquid that is then absorbed into your body. This will cause significant weight loss. Research has so far shown that there is no loss of muscle mass. British scientists who discovered this at Aston University in Birmingham believe that this regime can also cure Diabetes.

The zinc will clear up acne, the calcium strengthens teeth and bones, testosterone increases energy and alertness and selenium fights cancer. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Department of Research Medicine advises that the risk of breast cancer can be reduced no less than 50%.

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The answer is no. Swallowing semen can not get you pregnant.

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What do you need that is an easy way to determine if it is semen stains on your husbands underwear?

One simple way to determine if there are semen stains on your husband's underwear is to use a UV light. Semen will fluoresce under UV light, making it easier to detect. Another option is to use a home semen detection kit that can give you more definitive results. However, it's important to approach this situation with sensitivity and open communication.

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That will have no effect whatever on the fetus.Absolutely not (given healthy semen).

Can normal man get aids from own swallowing semen?

No you can not.