

When is earth considered an open system?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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14y ago

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yes, on geological time scales

no, more or less, on human time scales

yes because in the grand scale of it all the planet is always receiving new material and is thus not closed

on a human scale the amount of material is negligible and can be considered very near zero.. so no...

I would go with Yes the earth is an open system because in the eon scale the earths mineral and elemental makeup is very much in flux and subject to the inputs from "outside" sources.

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15y ago
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2w ago

Earth is considered an open system when there is an exchange of energy, matter, and gases with its surroundings. This can happen through processes like the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the movement of air masses.

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11y ago

The planet Earth is an open system because it constantly receives energy from the sun, in the form of sunlight, and it also receives a continual flow of micrometeorites, and other materials and radiation coming from outer space - but sunlight is the most significant. The Earth also radiates heat out into space, and loses atmospheric gases due to thermal dissipation.

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14y ago

There are respects in which Earth is considered an open system.

  • We receive energy from the sun.
  • The moon, sun and all the planets causes tides due to there gravitational influence.
  • Cometary and Meteorite impact. (It is believed that a percentage of the water on earth today comes from comets and water rich meteorites)
  • Earth is loosing it's atmosphere slowly due to the effects solar wind.
  • Human space probes such as Pioneer 10 and Voyager 1 and 2 leaving the planet and soon the solar system.
  • Earth would be vulnerable to Extrasolar stellar events. If a nearby star went supernova then it would cause devastation to life on Earth.
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13y ago

This is disputable!

Good question!!!

The earth is generally accepted to be a largely closed system as far as matter goes (although there is a small amount of particles entering and exiting the earth at any given time). But the earth is gaining and losing energy all the time so it is definitely an open system as far as energy is concerned.

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10y ago

Energy comes into the system constantly, and leaves as well. There is a net equilibrium, except that the Earth's atmosphere and surface (overall) is sometimes warmer or colder.

Some energy that is retained is chemical and biological energy.

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15y ago


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14y ago

yes it is

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