

Why is there grass?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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12y ago

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Grass exists because it has evolved to be able to thrive under wild grazing animals' grazing habits. However the true reason why grass exists is an ultimate evolutionary and botany mystery to us all. Think of it this way: Why do humans exist? A strange, yet great question. Grass is the type of plant that is found all over the planet, with many different species that suite each environment. Grasslands take up a vast part of the terrestrial portions of Earth, much more than forests do. We humans have made use of grasses in several different forms: as food for ourselves, food for the animals we raise, and as an aesthetic space around our homes. Grain is primarily from grasses that have been artificially selected to produce larger seeds than their wild ancestors. Barley, wheat, rye and corn are such plants. Grain is used to make bread, and is also a faster means to fatten livestock. Grasses that are more in their original state such as brome, Kentucky blue grass, creeping red fescue, orchard grass, tall fescue, bahia grass, big bluestem grass, etc. are all used in livestock pastures for livestock to graze on. Buffalo grass, Kentucky Blue, Creeping Red, etc. are grasses we like to use for our lawns because they are soft on our feet and easy to grow and care for year after year. Grasses are also used for building houses, as weapons, tools, etc. Bamboo, Elephant grass and Sorghum is a prime example for the three latter examples.

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The word 'grass' can be both singular and plural.example::You've got a piece of grass in your hair.orYou've got grass in your hair.Either way, it's still 'grass'.