

Why was Joseph Stalin liked?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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There were many factors that led people to like Stalin. The main one was probably the 'cult of personality'. This meant he could manipulate how he was seen as a leader through images, films, poems etc( which were only allowed if they glorified him) and thus fool people into thinking he was a good leader. For example, during the time of the 1930's, he would have images of him and children, creating his idea he was the 'father of Russia'. He also used the 'cult of personality' to lead people to believe he had led them throughout the war to success in 1945. In reality, it was more likely the mistakes of the Germans and organisation of military strategies by others which had saved them. Stalin at the time of the war did not know what to do! After the war, he glorified himself even more through posters, showing him as God-like. He manipulated these kind of events to create a likeable image of himself. Also, although the gulags( labour camps) were his idea, many in the camps sent him letters asking him to save them, as they believed such a 'great leader' would never let such awful things happen. It just shows how badly the idea he was a good leader was indoctrinated in their heads through all of these things. He killed millions and cost so much dear human life, yet even at his funeral many were in tears and distraught their 'great' leader had died.

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