

Why was teaching invented?

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7y ago

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Inventing -- building something new or making something better -- is often thought of as a purely creative act. In fact, invention demands much more than a vision. It requires previous knowledge and new information; the ability to observe, analyze, and identify problems; and the utilization of critical-thinking skills to find appropriate and workable solutions. This week, the Education World lesson planning article focuses on inventors, inventions, and the process of inventing, requiring your students to utilize all those skills in productive and enjoyable ways.

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Q: Why was teaching invented?
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the teaching.'the' gives a clue to what part of speech teaching is. If teaching has 'the' before it then teaching is a noun.I really enjoyed the writing course, the teaching was exactly what I needed.teaching ( without a 'the') is a verb.He was teaching a course on creative writing.

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No, I do not have any teaching positions open for teaching QuickBooks.

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