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The Kaaba was significant to the Bedouins because it housed images of their gods. It is a cuboid building in Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia.

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Q: Why was the Kaaba significant to the Bedouins?
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Why was the kaaba significant to the Bedouin?

The Bedouins believed that it was an stone that literally fell from heaven.

What is the Kaba and why is it significant for Muslims?

Muslims consider the Kaaba was originally built by Abraham and Ishmael. When Muslims pray, they turn toward the Kaaba. And during the hajj, pilgrims walk counterclockwise around it seven times.

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.Kaaba, because kaaba itself is an Arabic word.

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What is the shape of the Kaaba?

The Kaaba is in the shape of a cube. This is because the word Kaaba means cube in Arabic

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What is the difference of the old kaaba and the new kaaba?

no difference

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