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Trans fats are fats which have been hydrogenised (Hydrogen has been bubbled through so as to artificially saturate the fat). They are much worse for you than other types of fat, as they have been artificially created, and therefore the body does not possess the enzymes necessary to break it down.

The process of making trans fats was created because they are cheap and easier to store and transport. However, their use is in serious decline since the health problems associated with them have become known.

They are not present in every food, but, for instance, are more common in cheap margarines. In the UK, it is the law that all food products which contain trans fats must have a label declaring so.

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Q: Why is trans in trans fat italicized on nutritional labels?
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Are trans fats required to be on food labels?

In January 2006, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began requiring all food manufacturers to list the amount of trans fats in foods along with other nutritional information.

When a nutrition labels states that something has 0 grams of trans fat this might not mean there are no trans fats in the food?

No. If it had no trans fat it would say so.

Why is 'trans' as in 'trans fat' usually written in italics?

It isn't. But it is on the nutritional panels of FDA-regulated foods.

Does Bojangles have trans fats?

Yes. They choose not to show trans fat on their nutritional information because they are jerks.

Labels on food products to tell you the new trans of the food contents are called?

Labels on food products that tell you the new trans fat of the food contents are called food nutrition labels.

Is Anchor butter free from trans Fat?

If you look at the nutritional info there is .5 gram trans fat. All butter contains a small amount of trans fat, although its chemical composition is different from industrial trans fats.

What types of lipids must be listed on food labels?

Type your answer here..trans fat

How much fat does a mcdonalds cheese burger have?

Saturated fat: 6g Trans Fat: 0.5g Total Fat: 12g

What foods have no trans fats?

Well, a lot of foods do. a lot of chip brands are changing to no trans fat. Why dont you just look at the labels?

When reading labels look for lean low-fat or fat-free as well as low in saturated or trans fatty acids?


What nutritional information do product labels carry?

Nutritional labeling specifies the amount of calories, total fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber, sodium, minerals, vitamins, and protein in processed foods.

How accurate are nutritional labels?

The nutritional content labels on processed foods we purchase from the grocery store are not accurate at all. They only include what they have to include according to FDA regulations. For instance, many items do contain trans fat, but since the amount is low for 1 serving, they are allowed to say 0 grams per serving. This makes people believe the item contains no trans fat when it does. Eaten in large quantities, even over time, these foods have been known to elevate LDL (the bad) cholesterol. The only way to know exactly what you're eating...would be to eat an all-natural from the ground diet.