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You need to see your doctor. Certain medications can cause lactation. Pituitary tumors can cause lactation. Most women do have breast secretions at some point in their lives so it may be normal. Bloody discharge or painful discharge should also be evaluation for infection or breast cancer.

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18y ago

Hello. Your breasts could be leaking milk because you are pregnant or because you have a milk duct infection. Do a pregnancy test. If its negative see your doctor about the breast leakage.

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Q: Why are my breasts leaking milk if they are not not sore?
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Will milk leak while the man is fonding her breasts after pregnancy?

Yes there are chances of milk leaking when the breasts are fondled.

Why are your breasts sore and you are ovulating?

Because your milk ducts get bigger.

Does leaking breast after pregnancy hurt?

Your breasts will be sore once your milk comes in because you will be very engorged, but the leaking itself doesnt hurt at all. Buy a breast pump it will help with your breasts being engorged and will also help stimulate the milk to come in, keep in mind that when your baby nurses he/she will be able to get ALOT more milk out than you can get out with a breast pump so don't think your milk hasn't come in just because you wont get much from pumping.

What can cause a 57 yr old woman to start leaking milk from her breasts?

she's pregonent

When do your breasts become sore during pregnancy?

Yes. Sore breasts in early pregnancy are common. As they begin to develop the mechanism for producing milk, there are a lot of changes and things get a bit crowded.

Im not pregnant Why are your breasts leaking milk?

Its more then likely a hormone imbalance its not serious but you should go see a doctor

Why do your breasts leak?

Some breasts leak every time there is a letdown or milk ejection. Some women don't leak at all. It has to do with the individual anatomy of each breast. Some women leak in the early weeks as their bodies are just beginning to produce lots of milk and then stop leaking. Leaking breasts do not tell you how much milk you are making.

What happens to the mothers breasts during the 6th or 7th month?

The breasts swell and become tender and sore, this happens because the body is getting ready to produce the milk the baby will need.

Can breasts only become tender at 8 weeks pregnancy?

Breasts can get tender before, sometimes acting as the first sign of pregnancy like in my case, or they may not get sore until 8 or 9 months or after delivery when your milk comes in. Everyone's different, my SIL's thought I was crazy when I told them how sore my breasts were at 6 weeks because they didn't get sore until 7 or 8 months.

At what stage do breasts get tender in pregnancy?

Breasts can get tender anytime during pregnancy, sometimes acting as the first sign of pregnancy like in my case, or they may not get sore until 8 or 9 months or after delivery when your milk comes in. Everyone's different, my SIL's thought I was crazy when I told them how sore my breasts were at 6 weeks because they didn't get sore until 7 or 8 months.

What causes sore breasts?

When your breasts are in the first stages of growing they can be especially sore because of the intense growth.

I am not breast feeding but my breasts are still leaking how long will it last I had my baby in October?

Your doctor can give you something to dry up your breast milk.