

Will a salt water enema kill you?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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No a salt water enema will not kill you.

A proper flush involves 1 quart of lukewarm water, and two heaping tablespoons of unionized Sea Salt.

You drink the whole mix as quickly as possible, and it should flush out your system within a few hours.

If you follow the flush properly, then the mixture cannot be absorbed into your body, due to the level of salt in the water. Instead, the body will try to flush it through the system as quickly as possible, which in turn flushes out your bowels.

It's best to do it early in the morning, and even better if you skip dinner the night before. These steps insure that the food in your system is fairly far along in digestion, and will be easier to pass through.

The only time there can be harm to the body, is if your bowels are too backed up or you recently ate, and the flush can't push it's way through... If that happens, your body will absorb some of the salt, but it still won't kill you. You should just end up with some bloating, and discomfort.

Also, if you don't include enough salt, then instead of trying to eliminate it, the body will consider it safe and absorb it. So always be sure to drink the entire mixture, and use enough salt (should taste like salt water)

Salt Water Enemas are a great way to loosen up your system!

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