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yes we are constantly ascending tho it isn't always apparent

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Q: Will humans ever ascend to a new level of intelligence in the near future?
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Homo habilis is believed to have had a relatively small brain size, indicating a lower level of intelligence compared to modern humans. However, they were capable of using simple tools, suggesting some level of problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities.

Is level 99 the last level on skyrim?

No, Level 81 is the highest that player characters can ascend to.

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On land Humans are at the top of the food Chain, not for our strength or speed but for our intelligence level. If a bare handed human goes into combat with a Lion the Lion will win based on its speed and power. The human's only chance of winning is to outsmart the Lion. If our intelligence level was lower we would definitely be on the lower end of the food chain.

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Without same intelligence level/emotional capacity as humans, animals cannot perceive time in the same way

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Stingrays are known to have a higher level of intelligence than their related family of sharks. The level of intelligence is yet to be determined but they have been known to respond to subtle food signals. They also tend to be more docile creatures and avoid attacking humans if its not necessary....... yup

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If computers can be given true artificial intelligence, then yes, they could experience intentionality like humans do because they could interact with objects on a purposeful level.

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When you level up, upgrade your intelligence.

Did dinosaurs read the Bible?

Dinosaurs were all dead long before the Bible was ever written. Even if they weren't, dinosaurs are not believed to have been highly sentient creatures as humans. In fact, their intelligence level was more on the level of birds or mice.

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Supra-human refers to something that is above or beyond typical human abilities or characteristics. It suggests a level of power, intelligence, or capability that exceeds what is considered normal for humans.

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Possessing a genius level of intelligence.

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