

Will poking your computer case with a cattle prod kill it?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. Don't shock computers. It's mean.

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Q: Will poking your computer case with a cattle prod kill it?
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Yes. Mercury has the very same effects on cattle as it does on humans, which means that any level or exposure of mercury can and will kill.

How can you kill cattle on WolfQuest?

In order to kill cattle, you must access the cattle ranch found on the north-eastern area of the creek. It is not possible to kill adult cattle; you'll only be able to kill the calf. There is only one calf spawn per visit to the ranch. Once you have killed it, it will not respawn until you exit and re-enter the ranch.

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No you cannot kill someone by poking them in the belly button, that is a myth. The only way that could happen is if they Had a Hernia in their belly button and you ruptured it. If you stabbed them or shot them in the belly button it could possibly kill them. However a simple poke or twirl in their belly button will not harm them. A hard poke would hurt, but it would not be fatal.

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Eurylochus convinces the men that the gods will be appeased if they sacrifice some of the cattle to them.

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All there cattle,friends and pets

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Africa is not well known for having cattle, but Egypt is the African country with the most cattle.

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Odysseus made his men solemnly swear not to kill either the cattle or any large flocks of sheep that they might find on Thrinacia. After his men kill Helios' cattle, it is not explicitly said whether Odysseus partakes in eating the meat. All though he berates each man individually, he does not stop his men from killing the cattle, which they do for the next 6 days.

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After Odysseus kills the Helios' cattle, he is not sure what to do. He realizes it was a mistake and shortly afterward they kill his crew.