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Fertilization is when the pregnancy hormone hCG has begun production and this hormone is what is searched for by pregnancy tests (urine and blood). However, this amount can be very little and may be difficult for a urine test to pick up. You can get the best accuracy a few days after your missed period, but they (urine tests) can detect up to 5 days before the first day of your last menstrual period.

There is hCG during implantation, so it does have the potential to be detected and accurate, particularly for blood tests which are much more sensitive than urine tests.

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Q: Would a test be accurate during implantation?
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Can a pregnancy test be taken during implantation bleeding and if so how accurate should the results be?

I think a home pregnancy test taken during implantation bleeding would be a little too early to take. wait another day or two and then take it. But it might be OK to take it then. Depends on the test and the woman's hormones. My personal experience is that you can take a HPT during the first implantation bleeding and see a positive result that has inevitably turned out to be accurate. However, Just because it is negative doesn't mean that the test is acurate because all woman are different and sometime a woman's hormone levels take longer to kick in.

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.

Is a negative blood pregnancy test 49 days after intercourse accurate?

There are two kinds of blood tests for pregnancy tests -- quantitative and qualitative. Assuming you've waited long enough (much less than 49 days), and the test is done properly by the lab, the quantitative test is very accurate. The qualitative blood test is about the same accuracy as urine tests. Even the home urine tests are 97% accurate. So if you took the quantitative blood test you can be very sure it's right. Even with the other tests 97% is pretty accurate. I suspect the error rate in blood labs is greater than that.

The fluorescent light was the sun during the test?


When was NASAs first failure?

If you mean first disaster, then the Apollo 1 fire would be regarded as the first. Three astronauts died in fire during a launch pad pre-flight test.

Related questions

Can a pregnancy test be taken during implantation bleeding and if so how accurate should the results be?

I think a home pregnancy test taken during implantation bleeding would be a little too early to take. wait another day or two and then take it. But it might be OK to take it then. Depends on the test and the woman's hormones. My personal experience is that you can take a HPT during the first implantation bleeding and see a positive result that has inevitably turned out to be accurate. However, Just because it is negative doesn't mean that the test is acurate because all woman are different and sometime a woman's hormone levels take longer to kick in.

How many days after bleeding implantation or a period can a Home Pregnancy Test be done for a reliable result?

for a most accurate result try a test on the day or after your period is missed

How soon would I have to do an HCG test to have a definite result if I had ET of 1 blastocyst on 6th day of embryo implantation?

Hello, It depends on what method of testing for HCG you're using. If this is a urine test then the answer is no. If this is a blood test, then 7 days after conception you will have a very accurate result.

If you got pregnant on May 21 then when would you have implantion bleeding?

Implantation bleeding, if any, would occur anywhere from 6-12 days after ovulation. Implantation bleeding does not always occur, even if implantation does occur, so if you think you are pregnant, and it's been longer than 14 days since ovulation, (or 21 days since unprotected sex) you can safely take a home pregnancy test and get accurate results.

Can you get a negative with a blood test during implantation bleeding?

Yes, absolutely. Every woman produces different amounts of hcg, which is the hormone that the pregnancy test detects. It can take some women a week after implantation (or longer) to produce a detectable amount of hcg for a blood test.

Will a pregnancy test work when you implanation bleeding?

Taking a test during implantation bleeding would not give you an accurate result, your embryo doesn't start producing HCG (pregnancy hormone) until it is implanted fully, then it takes a few days to get into your urine, that is what the pregnancy test is looking for. I'd wait 3-4 days. Sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks after implantation to get a BFP. Some women don't produce HCG as fast as others.

Can you have a negative test if you're having implantation?

Generally, you cannot get a positive pregnancy test until 2-3 days after implantation occurs.

Would a test be negative after a week of conception?

Yes, as implantation can occur 8-10 days after conception.

Since periods during pregnancy ARE possible when would be a good time to take a pregnancy test Would one taken during a period be accurate?

If you're period is normal then its highly unlikely you're pregnant. But you can do a pregnancy test 3 weeks after conception.

How soon after implantation would a pregnancy test show a positive result?

I would give it about 3-4 days after implantation. You don't start producing the pregnancy hormone (HCG) until it fully implants in the lining of your uterus, then it takes a few days for the hormone level to build up and become detectable in your urine, which is what the pregnancy test is looking for. even at 3 or 4 days after implantation you may get a negative test, if your period becomes late you could test again ~pawsalmighty

Positive result of pregnancy before or after implantation bleeding?

You're more likely to get a positive test result after implantation bleeding, because the pregnancy hormones go up and up each day during the first trimester, and the higher the levels of the hormone, the more reliable the test will be

Possible implantation bleeding 7 days ago for 2 days Preg test was neg today would that be accurate or does it take longer for hcg levels to show?

HCG levels begin building around 8 days past ovulation. For accurate results, it is best to wait until the day after you have missed your period.