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Can't see what purpose this would serve - diesel fuel is used for the same purpose as gasoline in a vehicle, to make it go. Please be more specific with the question.

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Q: Would insurance pay for putting diesel fuel in your car?
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How much to repair for mistaking diesel in gasoline engine?

Just drain the fuel tank, blow out the fuel lines, replace the fuel filter, fill the tank with fresh fuel, and it will be fine. You may have to use starter fluid to get it starter and it may run rough for a few minutes but no damage will be done. Putting gasoline in a diesel will destroy a diesel engine, but putting diesel in a gasoline engine will do no permanent damage.

If diesel fuel instead of gasoline was used accidentally would filling station insurance company be responsible?

If they filled the vehicle, sure.

What happens if you burn jet fuel in a car ingine?

You'd crank the car, the spark plugs would fire, and then... nothing. Many people think jet fuel is comparable to a high octane gasoline. This is not true - it's comparable to #1 diesel fuel, so it would essentially be more the same as putting diesel fuel or kerosene into your car. The spark plugs would not ignite it.

How do you adjust fuel on a 1987 f-250 6.9l diesel engine?

To adjust the fuel level, you should begin by putting fuel into the 1967 F-250 diesel engine tank. The fuel gauge will rise according to the amount of fuel purchased.

Why use diesel for gas?

No one does. Diesel fuel is not gas. It would almost be similar to putting oil in your gas tank....except worse. Your car will belch out black smoke if it does run. Also a diesel engine does not run on gasoline. Keep them separate.

Can you add oil if you put gas in a diesel engine?

Putting gas in a diesel engine will not be fixed by adding oil. The fuel needs to be drained or pumped out if the mixture is too high. If only a few liters of gasoline were put into a tank of diesel, adding a diesel fuel conditioner could help. Gasoline will damage diesel fuel pumps and injectors because it does not have the lubricating properties of diesel. The fuel pump and injectors need lubrication from the diesel fuel or they will seize up and be destroyed.

Does Benz diesel engine has sensor to shut the engine if put gasoline in the fuel tank to shut the engine?

It does not have any sort of fuel type sensor, putting gasoline into the fuel tank of a diesel Mercedes will likely destroy the engine.

Is diesel fuel conditioner good or bad for your engine?

Using a Diesel fuel conditioner would be good for your engine and would not be bad at all.

What is weight of diesel?

If you are asking about diesel fuel, one gallon of diesel fuel weighs about 7 pounds.That's the American gallon, a British gallon of diesel would weigh about 8 pounds.

What is a jet fueled car?

Jet fuel is high grade diesel so a jet fuel car would use high grade diesel fuel.

Does diesel engines run on diesel fuel or gasoline fuel?

Diesel engines run on diesel fuel. Gasoline will destroy a diesel engine.

What type of oil for trucks?

That would be Diesel fuel