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It depends. Were you ordered to pay spousal support in the divorce decree, and for what length of time? If you were, then you pay. Otherwise, it is up to you. If you want to help support your ex for whatever personal reasons, then do so. Otherwise it is not your obligation. Social Security is income, however, so the fact that you are not out "earning a living" anymore doesn't in and of itself, change the rules.

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Q: Would you pay spouse support if you on social security?
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Why does my Medicare card have my deceased spouse's ss?

Because you are receiving benefits as a survivor under your deceased spouse. So your medicare card would have your deceased spouse's social security number with the addition of one or two alphanumeric characters after it, such as DC, where D stands for deceased. Although it is your spouse's social security number, in the case of medicare, it is not a social security number, but rather, an identifying number.

Can you draw social security off a deceased son?

If the Father is not in the home and unable to pay Child support, I would say yes. If he's at home, the child was probably taken in to account in the award. There is SSI.Supplemental Security Income , but must be applied for separately.

Can a dependent of an INCARCERATED person get social security?

Yes, if you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will still receive your benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, the person incarcerated will not receive monthly Social Security benefits, but benefits to their spouse or children will continue as long as those dependents remain eligible.

Can you receive Social Security benefits if your spouse is in prison in the state of Louisiana?

Social Security eligibility is regulated by federal, not state, law. If you are already receiving Social Security benefits when your spouse becomes incarcerated, your benefits will continue, but any benefit that was payable to your spouse will stop. If the incarcerated spouse's checks or direct deposit continue after 30 days in jail or prison, you will have to return the money to the Social Security Administration. If you were not receiving Social Security benefits prior to your spouse becoming incarcerated, you will not be eligible to file until he (or she) is released from prison. This is a general rule to which there may be some exceptions. It would be wise to call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 and explain your situation to a representative.

How much can your spouse earn while you are on social secirity disability insurance?

Your spouse earnings belong to your spouse and would count as any earning for the year for your earning test amount. Only your amount of earnings for the year would be counted for the earning test amount for your social security benefits.

Can your divorced spouse draw off your social security?

If you were married at least 10 years and the spouse has not remarried, then he/she would receive the standard 50% share from your social security pension. It does not lower your payments however. Parenthetically, you can remarry and get divorced numerous times, and the spouse will each get 50% share (assuming that they were each married for minimum 10 years)

Would applicant in arrears for child support be arrested upon entering social security office?

no. how would they know?

Can your same-sex spouse receive social security survivor benefits based on your work history?

Currently no. The United States Social Security Administration relies upon the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act as justification for denial of substantial monthly payments that a same-sex spouse would otherwise be entitled to. Under certain conditions, even a divorced ex-spouse is entitled to these benefits, as long as he/she is of the opposite gender.

My wife and I both draw social security. If one of us dies will the living spouse draw any or part of the deceased social security benefit?

Basically, you draw benefits based on the highest possibility. So, if you would die first, depending on if your benefit or her benefit would be higher, the payments would be based on that one. They give you the higher of the two.

Can the spouse of a common law marriage receive the other spouse social security?

Maybe. IF you can show that the marriage met the STATE requirements for a common law marriage, yes. Section 216(h)(1) of the Social Security Act provides that an applicant is the wife of an insured individual for purposes of such Act if the courts of the State in which such insured individual is domiciled at the time the application for wife's insurance benefits is filed would find that the applicant and such insured individual were validly married.However, if you have not met the tests set by that state, or if that state does not recognize a common law marriage, no. You need to consult an attorney in YOUR state.

Will an interim work permit authorization give you a Social Security number?

No. You would need to apply at the Social Security Administration for a social security number.

Would you capitalize social security benefits?

yes you would capatalize Social Security in a sentence.