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You can choose from puts, fputs, fwrite, write (or even putchar, putc, fputc). I hope this will help you to start.

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Q: Write a c program to display hello on the monitor without using printf?
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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i, a[100]; clrscr(); printf("Numbers from 1 to 100"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) printf(" %d",a[i]); printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 2"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%2 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 3"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%3 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 4"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%4 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 5"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%5 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 6"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%6 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 7"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%7 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 8"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%8 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } printf("Numbers from 1 to 100 without multiples of 9"); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (a[i]%9 !=0) printf(" %d",a[i]); } getch(); }

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