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Q: You want to go for register marriage bt you are cousins and your parents are against it is it possible?
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Can first cousins marry?

No, most regions have laws against marriage between people with a blood relationship that close. However, marriage between cousins that are second or further apart is legal.

Can second cousins once removed have kids?

It is physically possible and some groups find marriage between first cousins, let alone second cousins to be acceptable. Such marriages are legal in most of the US.

How far do cousins go to were it counts for marriage?

Depending on where you are, there may be no restrictions on marriage of cousins. Others limit it to first cousins only.

If you married into a family and the other person has cousins what is that to you?

They are your first cousins by marriage.

What relation is your niece to your stepson?

They are of no blood relation. But they are cousins by marriage or 'step-cousins' as such.

What if you like your cousins but are related by Marriage?

All cousins are related. Those who are related by marriage are not biologically related so developing a relationship with them is only a matter of convention. However, even marriage between first cousins is not unknown and is legal in some jurisdictions.

What states allows you to marry your first cousins?

About half of the states in the US permit marriage of first cousins.

Is my sister in law's step cousin related to me?

You are cousins by marriage.

Why is marriage with relative cousin not allowed?

It isn't not allowed it would just be awkward.In many jurisdictions, marriage between cousins, in some places even between First Cousins, is permitted.

Can you marry cousins?

Yes, in most cases, in most places. Some places restrict marriage between first cousins.

Can two second cousins marry?

There is no law against 2nd cousins getting married.

How do you get ready for a cousins marriage simply?

Get dressed, go to wedding... simple!