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what is a gf blood group? And what is the question?

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Q: Your blood group is o positive and your girlfriend blood group also o positive?
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Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

If a mother has blood group 0 positive and the father is also 0 positive can they give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Can a O positive blood group girl marry O positive blood group boy?

Yes. My wife and I are both O positive, and we have a healthy twelve year old daughter that is also O positive.

Can parent both blood type o positive have a child with b positive blood type?

No, an O-group set of parents can never have children with blood that is not also O-group. They lack the necessary B allele.

Can a person having her father's blood group o positive and her mother's blood group ab positive have her blood group also ab positive?

Yes it is possible. One of the parents would have to be Type A (AO) and one parent would have to be Type B (BO). Also one parent would have to be positive and one would have to be negative (referring to Rh). It doesn't matter which parent is which and it also doesn't matter if it is A+ and B- or A- and B+. Either of these two situation could produce all four different blood types.

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type O blood and the father has type B blood?

There are two possibilities.... either group 'O' - or group 'B'. Also, each group can be rhesus positive or negative - making a total of four combinations.

What blood group is given to someone who is RH negative blood group A?

You would give them A Rh Negative blood or you could also give them O Rh Negative as well. Group O is the universal donor so it can be given to anyone. If the patient is Rh Negative, they can only receive Rh Negative blood. If the patient was Rh positive, they can receive Rh positive or Rh negative.

What blood type or types can be found in an offspring if a mother has type O blood and father has type B blood?

There are two possibilities.... either group 'O' - or group 'B'. Also, each group can be rhesus positive or negative - making a total of four combinations.

Is there any problems in children of a father with blood group o positive and a mother with blood group o negative?

No, blood types and Rh factors are not really a problem in that sense. The baby will inherit a single blood type and Rh factor. In all likelihood, their blood type will also be O, but their Rh factor (positive or negative) can go either way. Usually Rh positive is dominate, so there is a good chance the baby will be O+.

Can two people with o blood type have a baby?

No, the baby will always take the blood type of the father. So, the child will be A positive. Also, Since the father is either Heterozygous(IA i) or Homozygous(IaIa), he will always give the Type A blood. For type O blood you need ii. Since the father will never contribute a small i, it is impossible to have a child with Type O blood.

What happens when husband has Ab negative blood group and wife has A plus blood group?

Nothing happens, also nothing happens to their babies. Because the mother is Rhesus positive she won't make antibody's against the baby's blood. The only danger is when a Rh negative mother gives birth to a Rh positive child. RV

Can a b positive and a o nagitive have a a positive baby?

Yes. An O neg parent can only pass on an O Blood Group gene and a Rhesus Negative gene. A B pos parent can potentially pass on a B or an O Blood Group gene and potentially a Rhesus negative or positive gene. Statistically your baby would have a 75% chance of being a B blood group and 25% of being an O. Also, 75% likely to be a positive baby and 25% likely to be a negative baby.

What is RHfactor?

it is an additional antigen in the blood its presence or absence decide whether the blood group will be positive or negative respectively. Rh (Rhesus) factor refers to one of the thirty blood group systems. It plays a huge role in transfusion of blood. It is also used to find out the risk of haemolytic diseases of newborns.