

Your goldfish fin is floating above the water why?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Your goldfish fin is floating above the water why?
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Related questions

What Is A fanned fin on a goldfish?

Perhaps you mean 'Clamped fin'. Clamped fin is caused either by parasites or poor water quality. If you mean 'Fantail'. A fantail is a fish with 2 tails instead of one. They are harder to keep than goldfish but are much prettier

How do you find a fin in the water?

You get down and look really close and if you see something floating and colored pick it up and its most likely a fin

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

Can a goldfish live without a dorsal fin?

Yes, but normally they grow back slowly. However, if fin rot has reached the base of the fin, then the goldfish would be in pain the rest of its life.

Does parasite stick to the fin of goldfish?


Can you put a blood fin tetra in the same tank with a goldfish?

yes, but it may kill the goldfish

How many fins do goldfish have?

A goldfish has about 1,500 bones inside of it.

Why is goldfish fin not erect?

Because there is no hard or tough tissue inside of the fin to keep a erect shape.

Unlike its real counterpart a Pepperidge Farm Goldfish only has one fin Which one is it?

Caudal fin

EMERGENCY How do you heal a ripped goldfish tail fin My goldfish flips when he try to swim Is the shredded tail fin why How did it get ripped?

Use a medicine called Mr. Yellow found in medical stores and pet shops. This cures fin rot.

What does it mean if a goldfish fin is coming off?

That's probably its poo, that's what my goldfish did. Their waste has to come out somewhere. maybe finrot. may be not nvm

My goldfish was beaten up by a rainbow shark. It is now damaged dorsal fin and floats at top of water. How can i heal it?

There is very little you can do if the fish is floating. The fishes swim bladder is damaged so the fish will never recover. May I recommend that you do not mix coldwater fish (Goldfish) with tropicals (Rainbow shark) they need totally different conditions so you are bound for disappointment one way or another anyway.