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The driver At Fault is always responsible for damages incurred during an accident. The at fault insurance company is responsible for damages to your car.

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Q: Your son who has a car and his own car insurance used your car for the weekend he was in a accident the fault so far lies with the other driver whose insurance is responsible for the damages to your c?
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My son who has a car and his own car insurance used my car for the weekend and he was in an accident with no other cars involved but slid off road on ice whose insurance is responsible for damages?

Your insurance is responsible. Insurance is tied to the car, not the driver. That's why insurance on a Lamborgini is so much more expensive than the insurance on a Ford Focus.

If your daughter lives with you but while at her mom's for the weekend she was in an accident with their neighbor do you have to file on your insurance in Florida?

If she was driving your car, notify your agent. If it was her mom's car, then her insurance is responsible, and, of course, if your daughter was driving her own vehicle, she would have her own insurance.

How soon does the insurance company need to contact you for a statement?

24hrs, unless its the weekend, if its the weekend by monday morning.

Will your chances of dying in a car accident double on the weekends?

No it doesn't double on the weekend.

What is the rate for travel insurance for a weekend trip to Australia?

There are different grades of travel insurance for a weekend trip to Australia, when you book your tickets there will be the option for the travel insurance and roughly depending on time of travel is between $79-$189.

Will a truck purchased on Friday after the insurances agencies were closed be covered over the weekend if you did not have insurance on another vehicle?

No. It won't be insured for the weekend. Most insurance agencies are open on Saturday's, so check it out.

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Who is responsible for expenses during the non custodial parent weekend?

that parent see my profile

What are the requirements for providing National Guard Soldiers with motel room for weekend Drill?

You are responsible unless it is provided on the orders.

Where can I learn how to do home insulation?

If you are looking for information on where can you learn how to do home insurance, the best place to look is on

MY son is in the Navy and we took him off our insurance while he is away. He will be home this weekend. Can we get coverage while he is here?

He should be covered by life insurance with the Navy, unless he opted to not be covered. Ask him if he has insurance with the Navy. Medical insurance he does not need as the Navy will provide any medical treatment he may need up until his discharge.

Was there an accident at a Jonas Brothers concert this past weekend?

yes there was! all Jonas concerts involve someone tripping over or falling especially JOE! ope tat helped