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Normal range for fasting blood glucose is 65-99 mg/dl.

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Normal range for fasting blood glucose is 65-99 mg/dl.

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These days, the health and wellness industries are undergoing continual expansion. This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that many people are seeking information and advice regarding how to lead a healthy life. While there are many strategies that one could implement to accomplish this goal, understanding biological processes can play an integral role in helping an individual develop and maintain wellness. By learning more about things such as the role blood glucose plays in facilitating health, people can make prudent health decisions that enable them to lead a much more productive, positive life. Defining Blood Glucose Blood glucose is sugar that is moved throughout the bloodstream for the purpose of providing energy to every cell within the human body. Its chemical formula is C6H1206. Blood glucose is also referred to as blood sugar. The sugar being transported through our bodies is created through the foods we consume. To ensure that our blood glucose levels do not become too low or too high, the human body regulates them. This regulatory process ensures that we maintain a state of equilibrium such that the internal environment of our blood permits our bodies to function properly. Sugar-Grasping The Basics Individuals who want to fully understand blood glucose should gain a basic understanding of what sugar is. Sugar is a simple, edible carbohydrate. It is crystalline and can come in a variety of forms. Each of the forms is sweet. The human body is designed to digest carbohydrates and transform them into glucose. Blood Glucose And The Digestive System In order to attain the energy we need from blood glucose, the digestive system breaks carbohydrates from food products into glucose. Glucose is the body's principal and preferred source of energy. Once we eat, glucose goes straight from our digestive systems into the bloodstream. In order to enter our cells and provide us with the energy we need to function optimally, there must be insulin in the bloodstream. With insulin, the cells within the human body starve. Once we eat our food, blood sugar concentrations are elevated and the pancreas emits insulin which enables glucose to enter cells. Once more and more of the body's cells attain the glucose, blood sugar levels are brought back down. Any glucose that is not used immediately is stored in the liver and muscles. This stored energy is referred to as glycogen. Conclusion As made plain by the information listed above, blood glucose plays a very primary role in ensuring that our bodies attain the energy they need to function optimally. If you suspect that your blood glucose levels may be too high or low, be sure to consult with a medical official.

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Correct, glucose is a blood sugar.

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A fasting blood glucose of 137 is a concern. A random blood glucose of 137 is not a concern.

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