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Yes it will affect the reading you get (not your actual blood glucose). If you have food (especially sugary food) on your finger where you take the drop of blood from, then the sugar from the food will mix with the blood and give a false reading. This is why it is important to wash the finger before testing blood glucose.

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1mo ago

Having food on your finger should not affect your blood glucose levels. Blood glucose levels are typically measured by testing blood samples from a finger prick or another method that involves drawing blood directly from a vein. Food on your finger would not have a direct impact on blood glucose readings.

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Does insulin decrese blood glucose or blood pressure?

Insulin decreases blood glucose levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells. It does not directly affect blood pressure, although maintaining normal blood glucose levels can indirectly help in managing blood pressure.

How does the ACCU check glucose meters?

ACCU-CHEK glucose meters use test strips and a small blood sample to measure blood glucose levels. After inserting a test strip into the meter, a small drop of blood from a finger prick is placed on the strip. The meter then provides a digital reading of the blood glucose level within a few seconds.

Hormones produced by the pancreatic islets affect the body's use of?

Hormones produced by the pancreatic islets affect the body's use of glucose and regulate blood sugar levels. Specifically, insulin is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells for energy or storage, while glucagon raises blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of glucose from stores such as the liver.

What pancreatic hormones maintained blood glucose levels?

Insulin and glucagon are the two pancreatic hormones that work together to maintain blood glucose levels. Insulin helps lower blood glucose levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells, while glucagon helps raise blood glucose levels by stimulating the release of stored glucose from the liver.

When blood glucose level rises the pancreas secretes insulin and as a result blood glucose level declines when blood glucose level is low the pancreas secretes glycogen and as a result blood glucose?

When blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas secretes insulin, which helps cells take up glucose from the blood, lowering blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels are low, the pancreas secretes glucagon, which stimulates the liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream, raising blood glucose levels back to normal.

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How do glucose meters operate?

Glucose meters process a blood sample usually taken by a small lancet pricking the skin of a finger. The blood is oxidated by glucose oxidaze and the resulting gluconulactone are counted.

How can blood clotting affect your respiration?

less blood, oxygen and glucose can get to the heart and blood

Does calorie free sugar substitutes affect the blood glucose level?

Calorie free sugar substitutes contain no carbohydrates. Therefore, they do not affect blood glucose levels.

What preparation is required prior to a glucose test?

Blood glucose tests require either whole blood, serum, or plasma collected by vein puncture or finger puncture. No special preparation is required for a casual blood glucose test.

What is a True Track Smart System?

A True Track Smart system is a brand of glucose blood monitor. It requires you to apply a pin to your finger and then apply the blood to the monitor which will then tell you how much glucose is in your blood.

What is the diagnostic test that determines the amount of glucose in the blood?

The diagnostic test used to determine the amount of glucose in the blood is called a blood glucose test. This test measures the concentration of glucose in a blood sample obtained through a finger prick or from a vein in the arm. It is commonly used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as diabetes and hypoglycemia.

What are method for measuring blood glucose?

Common methods for measuring blood glucose include using a glucose meter to test a drop of blood from a finger prick, continuous glucose monitoring systems that provide real-time glucose readings through a sensor inserted under the skin, and laboratory blood tests that measure glucose levels in a blood sample taken from a vein.

What does the lack of insulin affect?

Coma and death.

Glucose is carried in which part of the blood?

Glucose is carried in the blood plasma.However, glucose can affect hemoglobin, and a test, glycolated hemoglobin, can be used to gauge average plasma glucose level over long periods of time

Does high glucose and blood pressure affect your health.?

If your glucose and blood pressure are high it does affect your health. That is something that you need to see your physician for immediately, because please don't quote me but it could lead to diabetes. I would rather see my physician to discuss my high glucose and blood pressure so he can either prescribe something or get a diet going for you. Being healthy is a big thing, but talking to your physician is even better. From personal experience having high blood pressure could affect your health to a heart attack. Please seek medical help.

Could you test diabetes from home?

You can test diabetes from home. There are many glucose meters that you just prick your finger or arm and a small amount of blood enters this machine and it will give you your blood glucose reading.

Does high dosage of thyroxine medication affect blood glucose levels?
