


Cocaine is an addictive brain stimulant that is injected, snorted or smoked. Its control, cultivation, and distribution, if not for non-government and non-medical purposes, are strictly prohibited in all parts of the world.

280 Questions

What is crack?

Cracking takes place after the process of fractional distillation.

It is the process of braking down the larger, less useful hydrocarbons into smaller, more useful molecules.

How is it done?

This process involves heating the hydrocarbons to vapourise them and passing the vapours over a hot catalyst.

The products of this process are a smaller alkane and an alkene.

This is called a thermal decomposition reaction.

What is achieved in the process of cracking?

In the process of cracking, large hydrocarbon molecules in crude oil are broken down into smaller, more valuable molecules such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. This helps to increase the yield of desirable products from the refining process.

How much does a sixteenth of cocaine weigh?

How many grams are there in a sixteenth of crack cocaine

Which one of the following is a long term effect of alcohol on the body?

The effects of excessive consumption are: bad balance, dizziness, happiness, irritation in your throat, vomiting, decreased respiration, slower reactions, clumsiness, alteration in your behavior, and blurred vision.

Short-term effects of alcohol on the body:

Alcohol is classified as a sedative, which is a substance that has a depressant effect on the normal functioning status of the body. The more a person drinks, the stronger the depressant effect. Alcohol is known as a psychoactive substance, which means it has psychological properties that can also affect physical functioning. The effects of alcohol depend on a number of variables, including age, gender, general health, body composition, state of mind, and the presence of any other medications.

If more alcohol is consumed than the body can efficiently metabolize, (one drink per hour), the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream becomes elevated. The alcohol in the bloodstream is known as the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or blood alcohol level (BAL). Blood alcohol concentration is used to determine the effects of alcohol on the body. The higher the level, the more pronounced the effects. .

A person with a BAC of 0.10 (10 parts alcohol to 10,000 parts blood) is considered intoxicated (in some states the level is 0.08). Even low doses of alcohol can affect bodily functions. Blood alcohol concentration measures are a useful way to detail the effects of alcohol consumption.

Blood Alcohol Concentration and Effects:

BAC # Drinks Consumed Effects Hours needed to metabolize alcohol .05 1-2 relaxation; decreased inhibition and judgment; decreased reaction time and alertness 2-3 0.05-0.10 3-4 marked decrease in fine motor skills, reaction time, and judgment; may be clumsy; exaggerated behaviors 4-6 0.10-0.15 5-7 vision and perception affected; can be verbally argumentative, emotionally irrational; further impairments in reaction time and judgment 6-10 0.15-0.30 8-10 staggering; slurred speech; blurred vision; sensory and motor skills greatly affected; nausea/vomiting 10-24 more than 0.30 more than 10 stuporous; may be conscious but unaware of surroundings; decreased respiration; anesthesia at levels above 0.35; approximately 50% will die at levels above 0.40 more than 24

A number of psychological effects accompany alcohol because of its psychoactive properties. Initially, the user experiences feelings of sociability and elation. A feeling of mild euphoria, relaxation, and increased self-confidence may be experienced. Many report that alcohol helps to alleviate tension and stress.

Since alcohol is a depressant, people who are lonely or depressed may have more negative experiences of depression. Crying is not unusual, as exaggerated emotions are often displayed. The disinhibition effect often experienced by drinkers is a result of the effect of alcohol on the nerve cells in the brain's cortex, which is the area responsible for reasoning, speech, and abstract thinking. Interference with the nerve conduction in this area may lead to behaviors not normally displayed by the drinker. A drinker could display sexual disinhibition or possibly violence and aggression.

Research has shown a direct relationship between alcohol and violence. People who are drinking often engage in behaviors they would not normally exhibit when not consuming alcohol. Many prison inmates report having used alcohol prior to the commission of crimes. Alcohol is a significant factor in robbery, rape, assault, and murder. The loosening of inhibitions coupled with impaired reasoning and judgment creates a volatile environment when the user is faced with decision-making circumstances. Unfortunately, such situations are not always handled in a reasonable manner, and violence may ensue.

Alcohol users are also at risk of becoming victims of crime. Since their judgment is impaired, drinkers may find themselves in dangerous situations or in the company of persons who may take advantage of their impaired state.

Alcohol use is strongly correlated with injury. In addition to those who drive automobiles while impaired, drinkers who operate boats, motorcycles, and other recreational equipment also incur a disproportionate number of fatalities. Many falls, drownings, fire injuries, and incidents of choking are also associated with the use of alcohol. It has also been noted that children whose parents/caregivers are problem drinkers are more likely to suffer injury.

Was cocaine ever used in Pepsi?

No, very unlikely, Coca-Cola came 40 or 50 years before Pepsi when it was invented people didn't know the consequences of cocaine, and what it was it did. That's why Cocaine was removed from the Coke formula very early.

EDIT: Incorrect. Pepsi was invented 7 years after Coke, in 1893.

Should you do weed or crack?

These are two completely different drugs, but I will approach this from a variety of ways in order to answer your question. From a medical point of view, marijuana is much safer. Marijuana use has not directly caused a death. However, crack has. Crack can cause heart attacks and various other problems. (Choice = marijuana) From a psychological point of view, Crack is known to be much more physically addicting and psychologically addicting than marijuana. Many argue that marijuana is not physically addicting, but it does have a risk of psychological dependency. Both of these drugs can bring out and/or exacerbate symptoms of bipolar d/o, schizophrenia, depression, etc. (Choice = marijuana) From a financial point of view, crack is more expensive and does not last nearly as long as marijuana. Crack causes decreased appetite, and marijuana tends to increase appetite. However, the increase in food costs from marijuana use is more than offset by the increase in cost by using crack. (Choice = marijuana) However, if you are subjected to random drug screens, marijuana shows up for much longer than crack does. (Choice = crack) More people use marijuana than crack, and marijuana is typically obtained much easier than crack. (Choice = marijuana) It appears that marijuana is the better choice. However, given that you are asking this question, you likely do not have any experience with either drug (or drugs in general). You shouldn't do either one...

What happens if you do one line of cocaine will you be okay in one month?

dont do it! If you already have the answer is no.

Yes, you won't become instantly addicted or anything or be high for a month if that's what you mean.

How do you get Benzoylecgonine out of system?

ESTEROM- for muscle pain. This is a legal drug.

How often does a typical user take cocaine?

Sometimes continuously for days or as often as their strained bodies can tolerate; often to the point of death. Cocaine is horrifically addicting, both physically and emotionally.

Does crack cocaine make you urinate?

Na dude. You should get that sh*t checked out. Pretty sure I heard about some kid asking the same sh*t, haha his a*s got f*cked. Good luck.

How long does cocaine take to leave the liver?

I know Cocaine stays in the system for about 4-7 days, depending on how much of a user you are, but I'm really not sure about the liver.

What plant produces cocaine?

coca plant Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the Erythroxylum (coca) bush- which readily grows in the Andes. However the cocaine or coca paste is extracted and is put through a series of chemical reactions before becoming Cocaine Hydrochloride-the white powder that is injected/snorted.

Is crack cocaine man made or natural?


cocaine starts off with the coca leaf (which itself is natural) but it's processed much like a better version on methamphetamines. I've heard of cocaine being processed with formaldehyde, gasoline, ammonia, turpentine, etc.

the fact is, once the leaf leaves the bush and sent to process, its no longer natural.

besides, when you buy it on the streets its very rare that you're getting only cocaine. more than likely you're getting cocaine with meth, with baking soda, with baking powder, powdered sugar, detergent, anything to help dealers and suppliers turn a profit.

How much is a half of key of cocaine?

I'm making a presumption here but if you meant 300mg, this is just under a third of a gram, 300mg should have a street value starting from £10 right up to £25 in some areas, 300mg is certainly enough for an active dose. More on effects and experiences of this dose can be found online.

Why do people do crack cociane?

crack is a drug that is entered in the body sometimes for a since of stress ex. you have alot of stuff going on (some) people use it it for relief of the body and it gets you high and not well for the body...

How does crack cocain effect your behavior?

crackcocain could kill your in tire body depending on how long that you use it but i must tell JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS


Who died from drugs?

Kurt Cobain, Chris Farley, Bruce Lee, Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe, and Anna Nicole Smith are some.

What kind of illegal drugs sold in wax bags?

  • all my spoons are missing from my kitchen and i find long waxed bags about 2 inches long

When was crack found?

The Crack was created in 1979.

Why is cocaine expensive?

Cocaine is expensive for several reasons. Probably the most relevant reason is because it is considered a controlled substance, and thus illegal. Illegal products don't have the benefit of working in a free market system which help promote competition, which lowers costs. In addition, the high risks (prison, being robbed, killed, etc) associated with selling cocaine increases the price substantially.

Is there a medical use for crack?

There is no medical use for crack, no. There is a medical use for cocaine -- it is used as an anesthetic in eye surgeries -- but not crack.

Where is crack legal?

Yes. Crack cocaine is a DEA Schedule I substance. It is illegal.