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four genetically different cells

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Q: 'Unlike mitosis meiosis results in the formation of what sort of cells?
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Unlike mitosis meiosis results in the formation of what sort of cells?

Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of haploid cells.

Unlike mitosis meiosis usually results in the formation of?

haploid cells

What is meiosis about?

Meiosis is Sexual Reproduction, unlike Mitosis, that is responsible for cell growth and other functions. Meiosis has the same phases as Mitosis except that it undergoes those phase twice (Meiosis l and ll). This results in 4 daughter cells, unlike Mitosis which results in only 2 daughter cells. Also, in Mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the original cell, while in Meiosis, it increases genetic variation, because it has characteristics of both parent cells.

Does the ploidy of a cell change when it divides by mitosis Why or why not?

It does not change. Mitosis results in two identical cells with exactly the same number of chromoses. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells for the purpose of growth of tissues, unlike meiosis which occurs in sex cells prior to fertilisation. while mitosis starts and ends as a 2n cell the part about it not changing is wrong. mitosis starts off as 2n then each chromatid replicates creating a 4n cell in prophase until it reaches telophase it goes back to 2n as the chromatids separate at the poles, and the daughter cells are formed.

What is the number of daughter cells in meosis?

The number of daughter cells created by meiosis is four. These cells, unlike in mitosis which produces only two identical daughter cells, are all different from their parent cell.

Why meiosis carry only 23 chromosomes number?

Meiosis, unlike Mitosis, produces 4 haploid daughter cells, and a haploid cell contains half the number of cells as the cell that was originally divided.

Is mitosis part of the process of binary fission?

no Humans reproduce by sexual reproduction only. So mitosis is not involved.Meiosis is important

What is the organ system Meisosis accures in?

Reproductive system. Meiosis is the formation of gametes which unlike regular cells have 23 unpaired chromosomes compared to regular cells which have 23 paired chromosomes or 46 total chromosomes, in humans that is.

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What is a major characteristic that distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?

Four daughter cells are formed in meiosis and in meiosis II, the 2 cells doesn't go through interphase. Hope I could help! A+ Two rounds of cell division occur.

What Cells are part of the Cell cycle but not a part of mitosis?

Sex cells, or germ cells; in females the eggs, and in males the sperm. They go through meiosis, and unlike in mitosis are only haploid, so they only have one copy of the genetic material, so that when they meet with another germ cell, they form a diploid zygote.

What two things happen during Metaphase?

During metaphase - the second stage of mitosis in the eukaryotic cell cycle - the chromosomes, pulled by the spindle fibers, line up along the middle of the cell, halfway between the centrosomes in the middle of the dividing cell. The chromosomes are now maximally condensed. In mitosis, individual replicated chromosomes, each composed of two sister chromatids, move to the equatorial plate during this step (whereas during the first division of meiosis, pairs of replicated chromosomes (tetrads) line up at this stage). This lack of pairing between homologs during mitosis is a fundamental distinction between mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis, unlike meiosis, produces identical daughter cells, because each homolog divides into two identical chromatids during anaphase.