

Best Answer

heres what i know.....

burn down the places they sleep.

murder 300 a day!

torture them

all i have... figure the rest out yourself! sorry baiii(:

love always,

mee. :*

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Q: 10 thing What did the janjaweed do to darfur?
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Who were the Janjaweed attacking in the Genocide of Darfur?

The Janjaweed were attacking the Africans of Sudan (South Darfur)

Who is being killed in darfur?

the janjaweed is killing the black tribe in darfur and they are supported by the sudan governoment

How did darfur show genocide?

Darfur didn't show genocide, Darfur faced the brutality of the genocide. It was imposed on the people of Darfur, Sudan by Umar Al Bashar, Janjaweed and the ethnic Sudanese Arabs

Who was against darfur Sudan at the genocide?

It was Janjaweed militia supported by the Umar Al Bashar government of Sudan

What where the different groups of the Darfur genocide?

Rebel Darfur group at the beginning. Janjaweed militia sponsored by Sudanese government, by Umar al Bashir the culprit. BASHIR convicted at Hague

How were the victims of the genocide in darfur murdered?

The people of Darfur are being raped, looted, shot, children thrown in fires, and dead remains thrown in wells poisoning the water for the Darfur refugees who escaped the Janjaweed attacks.

Who was the leader of Sudan at the time of the genocide?

Umr Al Bashar was the President of Sudan. He sponsored the Janjaweed militia for killing of innocent Darfur people.

Who lead darfur?

The Janjaweed Militia leaders sponsored by Sudanese Government, Sudanese President Umar Al Bashar (convicted in Hague Court)

Has there ever been a truce in Darfur?

Yes, there was a truce that was made on January the 9th 2005 but was broken by the Janjaweed, then later on the 5th of May 2006, which was signed by the Sudanese government and the smallest of 3 main groups of rebels. Soon after the agreement was signed it was broken again by the Janjaweed and has not been restored since.

Why do the janjaweed kill the non-Arabs?

The Janjaweed are a combination of Chadian and Darfurian Arab partisans, previously tolerated by the Sudan Government and pursued local agendas to control of the land. The majority of Darfur's Arabs, the Baggara confederation, soon began their presence in the war over grazing territory and land use rights.

Where did the Darfur genocide happen and what happened?

The conflict is very complex, but the basic information is the following: African Christians and Animists in the Darfur region of Sudan were relentlessly attacked, raped, and butchered by the Arab Janjaweed militias in a systematic way and were endorsed by the government of Sudan to engage in this behavior.

Who is fighting who in darfur?

The region became the scene of a rebellion in 2003 against the Arab-dominated Sudanese government, with two local rebel groups - the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA) - accusing the government of oppressing non-Arabs in favor of Arabs. The government was also accused of neglecting the Darfur region of Sudan. In response, the government mounted a campaign of aerial bombardment supporting ground attacks by an Arab militia, the Janjaweed. The government-supported Janjaweed were accused of committing major human rights violations, including mass killing, looting, and systematic rape of the non-Arab population of Darfur. They have frequently burned down whole villages, driving the surviving inhabitants to flee to refugee camps, mainly in Darfur and Chad; many of the camps in Darfur are surrounded by Janjaweed forces. By the summer of 2004, 50,000 to 80,000 people had been killed and at least a million had been driven from their homes, causing a major humanitarian crisis in the region. (taken from the History of Darfur Wikianswers) xoxo, Sudanese.