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Animals become extinct from over hunting, mass extinction's ect. It all depends on how its happening. If over hunting try to get the area protected and hunting free, look on the internet to see if the species is protected by the government and other programs and see how to help. Now a mass extinction is a rate in time when 1000's of species die from one event, yet it all depends on what, there is usely noting a normal person can do to stop a event like that but, the government will probly find something to do!

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Q: 10 ways to stop animals from becoming extinct?
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This is a very opinionated question, different people feel different ways. Personally i am not a fan of different species going extinct as of yet, but at the end of the day everything will go extinct according to our scientists.

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Animals become extinct in many ways. One way is that that animals food was being eaten and there wouldn't be enough of that food left for it. Another, is that that animal is being eaten by other animals and it is being wiped off the face of the earth.

How does an animals get extinct?

It can get extinct many ways. It can die out of too much hunting, loss of habitat or, no food sources. Those are only the ones that are off the tip of my head, there are lots more.

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It is estimated that 99% of all creatures that have ever lived have gone extinct, it's a natural process. But there is no doubt mankind has aided greatly in the extinction of many species. Buy hunting, poaching, destroying habitats, we have destroyed many species.

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pretty much all of them 5 breeds have gone extinct already.If you dont want these amazing animals to go extinct you can do the fallowing things: donate to a tiger orgnasation alert people that they are going extinct do a fun raise for them you can resesarch them and find out more ways to help them

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Okay.. Clean out the water ways or stop polulluting it....