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The welcome home parade for Charles Lindberg after his solo crossing in the Spirit of Saint Louis between New York and Paris.

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Q: 1800 tons of shredded paper rained down from skyscrapers in New York in 1927 What was the celebration?
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1800 tons of paper rained down from skyscrapers in New York in 1927 what was the celebration?

Charles Lindbergh's parade.

What can you do with shredded paper from a paper shredder?

Shredded paper is/can be recycled to make paper. Most of the shredded paper is baled and shipped to paper recycling plant.

Is shredded a verb?

it depends on how you use it. if you say i shredded the paper it is a verb. if you said the shreded paper it would be an adjective

Can shredded paper be recycled?

Yes, shredded paper can typically be recycled. However, some recycling programs may have specific guidelines or restrictions on shredded paper, so it's best to check with your local recycling facility for guidance. Shredded paper should be placed in a paper bag or cardboard box before recycling to prevent it from becoming a nuisance in the recycling process.

Do you buy shredded paper?

NO i think you Get normal paper And then Shred it

What is shredded paper?

A mobile paper shredder is a paper shredder which you can carry around with you and use in any location.

How is shredded paper a good insulator?

Shredded paper is a good insulator because it creates a lot of dead air space. The layers of air held in by the paper is what has an insulating effect.

What is papel picado in English?

Shredded paper.

Can you use the shredded paper for garden mulch?

No, there is no disadvantage to using shredded paper for a brown in compost. The composting process receives carbon-rich materials from "brown" matter and nitrogen-rich materials from "green." A problem nevertheless results if the shredded paper preserves toxic colors and prints.

Can shredded paper be recycled back to the palm material?

No paper can only be recycled back to paper and not to the palm material back.

Is inkjet printed paper shredded unsafe for bird bedding?

Yes it is unsafe, the ink contains harmful products that could damage your birds health. Plain shredded paper is the best to use!

Can you use a paper shredder for guinea pig bedding?

i use paper shredded with shavings for my piggies they love it