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Q: 1 Managers who score low on extroversion are frequently referred to as?
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What is the score that occurs the most frequently?


What the years in a score?

A score means 20. Hence in the Gettysburg Address when Lincoln referred to "four score and seven years ago" he meant 87 years ago.

Which credit score is used by lenders most frequently?

Mortgage companies use your FICO score, Credit card companies use you Advantage Score which is a different scoring formula from FICO

How can you improve your NJ ASK Math score?

Do hard work, solve the same questions frequently.

What is 20 years called if 10 is called a decade?

20 years is called a score. This is derived from the Old English word "scoru", which means "twenty", and is used to describe a period of 20 years. A score is sometimes referred to as a "generation" or a "double decade".

Why is a score twenty?

The word 'score' is an old English word for twenty, just as 'dozen' means twelve. The King James Bible frequently uses multiples of 'score' rather than the modern equivalents, but this usage means nothing in Hebrew.

How many points your score goes down for apPlying for credit card?

Typically a credit inquiry lowers your score by 3-4 points. However, if you apply too frequently you might be perceived as being desperate, resulting in an even larger impact on your score...

In what field is an ASSIGN score referred to?

An ASSIGN score is used in the health industry to prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is used to estimate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases over the next ten years.

Why does Martin Luther King use the opening five score years ago in his I have a dream speech?

the expression "five score years ago" is referred to the year 1863 when Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg adress. Five score means one hundred.

Which credit bureau's FICO score is used by lenders most frequently?

In the case of a major credit application such as a mortgage, all three bureau's are pulled in what is known as a Tri-Merge Report. Of all three FICO scores. the high score as well as the low score is disregarded. The middle score, regardless of the bureau it happens to be from is the one that is considered.

Is the score bowled most often called median score?

No. It would be called the mode score.The median is the number that lies halfway when a series is arranged in ascending or descending order.The mode is the number that occurs most frequently. That is, the most common value or, in this case, the score bowled most often.

Why do the Chilean wines receive the international appreciation?

Chilean wines often score well in blind taste tests. On the other hand, many prestigious and expensive Old World wines frequently don't score well in such tests.