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My mom peed in it

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Q: 2.8 of the earths water is fresh water why isn't all of it drinking water?
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is the water salt water or fresh water?

this depends on where the water is, if its in a swamp in the everglades it is considered brackish which is both salt and fresh water, in the ocean the water is salt water, if your at a lake, pond, or stream then it is fresh water, and if you are talking about water in a salt water pool the water isnt really salt water it just has chemicals to have the same effect.

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ys the arctic tundra does have fresh water even tho ice that melts isnt all that clean it circulates to fresh water

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isnt it because it releases gases?

How is water green?

it isnt

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as much as it wants if your border collie isnt drinking water dont force it too because it might be sick check with your local vet

If your horse is not eating or drinking what is wrong?

um if he isnt drinking try giving him something called electrolytes that should help and eating.. get checked by a vet.

Is frozen water more dense?

no it isnt

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no it isnt

Is keratin insoluble in water?

course it isnt...

When did Justin Bieber start drinking Alcohal?

Justin isnt old enough to drink yet…. he is only 18

Can you get drunk again by drinking water the morning after you drank wine?

They say when you pass out from drinking ,when you wake up,drink a glass or more of water.This will make your body feel the alcohol thats still in your system.But tried this many times and it isnt enough to brag about.And if your a regular drinker,the water will not all be absorbed like they say,its gonna come, out

Why is it important to prevent water?

Water Pollution isnt very sanitary and dirty water doesnt taste good.