

Best Answer

1. Jews were the root of Communism

2. Lost a battle in WWII because of Jews

3. They were sub-human/enemies/not pure

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Q: 2 lies told by Nazis about Jews?
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What were the main lies told about Jews by the Nazis in world war 2?

The biggest lie that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's told about Jew's was that it was their fault they lost World War 1. This was not true, but, Adolf told this lie so many times everybody started to believe it.

Who persecuted the Jews in World War 2?

== == == == The Nazis

Why Adolf Hitler is famous in World War 2?

Adolf Hitler is famous in World War 2 because he told/led the German Nazis in fighting and getting rid of the Jews.

Who did the Nazis persecute during World War 2?

The Nazis persecuted the Jews During WWII

Did the Jews beat the Nazis in World War 2?

No. The Jews were saved and liberated from the concentration camps after the British, the Americans and the USSR defeated the Nazis and their allies.

How do you explain the passivity with which some of the Jews yielded themselves to the Nazis?

1) The Jews of Europe were civilians, unarmed and untrained in combat. The Nazis brought a significant amount of military power to bear against the Jews. 2) The Nazis used a tactic of deception, right up to and including the last few minutes in the gas chambers, which were presented as showers. Very few people were aware of what the Nazis were perpetrating. What was happening was unprecedented and inconceivable even as it was going on. 3) The Nazis would punish any resistance with disproportionate retaliation. People hoped that they could avoid this by doing as they were told.

How many Jews were murdered by the Nazis in world war 2?

about six million

Give atleast 2 ways that the Nazis exterminated the Jews?

The Nazis often liked to tortuure the Jews before their death. They would be gassed, or shot on he spot. (: Hope that helps!

What percentage of all Jews in lands controlled by allied to or conquered were killed by the Nazis in World War 2?

No Jews were handed over to the Nazis from territory under actual Allied control.

Jews survived World War 2?

yes, but not all of themAnswer:About two-thirds of European Jews were killed by the Nazis.

Could Jews complain to the Nazis?

'No' is probably the short answer to the question. If Jews showed any kind of arrogance to the Nazis during World War 2, they would be severely reprimanded. This includes complaining.

Who killed the Jews in world war 2?

The Nazis killed the Jews for Hitler. In addition, there were many other anti-Semites in occupied Europe who were happy to help in the Holocaust.