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Q: 2 perspectives why clear cutting is good and bad?
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Do you think cutting down is good or not?

Cutting down on bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking can be a good thing.

Why is logging controversial?

ORIGINAL ENTRY: "logging is bad, but there are certain types of logging styles that can be even worst. For example, clear cutting can be bad if it is done in large areas. Clear cutting can cause the land to erode quicker and disturbs the wildlife. However, todays methods of sustainable logging is bad for the forests, the wildlife. I HAVE ENCLOSED A PICTURE OF ONE OF THEM......"

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You can clear bad credit for good buy paying rent or car payments on time. You need to do this consistently for a few months to insure the clearing of bad credit.

Is cutting as bad as it looks?

To tell you the truth it's not as bad as it looks it actually feels good but please don't try it.

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Yes clear is good, it means you are healthy. If it is green/yellow that means you may have a bad cold or a sinus infection.

Is cutting bad?


Why is cutting lumber bad in Canada?

Cutting lumber is bad in Canada, because Canada's excessive lumber cutting. there loosing to many forests and not growing them back. don't get me wrong lumber cutting is good in many ways its just that Canada cuts it to excessively. now I have nothing against Canada I just think they should let up on the cutting. and if anybody reads this please contacted me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where Tycoons good or bad for America?

I would say that they are most bad if they are Roller Coaster Tycoons. However, they can be relatively good if they are Zoo Tycoons 3. Does that clear it up for you?

Is cutting down trees a good or a bad thing and why?

Obviously it's a bad thing - fewer habitats and they give off oxygen. Very narrow answer to a very big question. Cutting certain trees in congested forests helps accelerate the growth of larger trees and in turn sequester more carbon. Letting trees decay and rot or burn releases carbon back the atmosphere - not good.

Alcohol is good or bad for weight loss?

Alcohol by itself is neither "good" or "bad", but it contains a lot of calories. And the first thing you want to do when you want to lose weight is to control your calorie intake. Cutting out alcohol is far easier than cutting out fats or sugars, so it should be the first thing to go.

Why is cutting yourself so bad?

God is good and all but it is YOUR body. Do what you want with it. From personal experience, cutting yourself is very addictive and once you start, it's your first answer to getting rid of emotional pain. If it gets too bad, you may want to see a counsler

Why does everyone think cutting yourself is so bad?

... Cause it is bad?!?!