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You would probably be fine with 5-10 neon tetras.

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Q: 30 gallon aquarium with 2 mollies 2 platies 2 otocinclus and 3 red minor tetras all about full grown how many neon tetras could you get?
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You have 2 mollies and 2 platies in a 30 gallon tank how many more mollies and platies can you get?

30 gallon is a big space you could get 6 more but make sure to get male female 1:3

How long does it take for baby mollies to grow full size?

Not very long. We originally started out with 4 mollies in a 5 gallon aquarium. About 3 months later we realized 4 had turned into 17! Now they are in a 35 gallon aquarium and theres more! We have now had many babies, and watched them grow. Takes them about 6 months to become 2 inches long.

What are the Best fish for freshwater community 55 gallon tank?

Mollies,Platies, Guppies, small Tetras (I recommend Black Skirt Tetras), Corydoras, (Electric or German) Blue Ram Cichlid, and last but not least............ Apple Snails. ;)

What fish live in the same community as the beta?

Cherry Barbs, Cory Catfish, Zebra Danios, Platies, and some Mollies, but Mollies tend to bite the bettas tail. You have to have a bigger tank if you want to have a community tank. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon. I've also had some luck with the small Tetras.

How many mollies can a 1 gallon tank hold?

none because mollies need 5gallons and up

What algae eater can you put in a one and a half gal tank that has a Betta and an African Dwarf Frog?

You can put a Otocinclus. But the rule is an inch per gallon so try an Otocinclus all the other eaters will be too big for a little tank.

Can 10 mollies and 10 guppies go in a 10 gallon tank?


How many mollies can you put in a 6 gallon aqurium?

as many as you'd like.

How many gallons is a 36x18x14 aquarium?

That would be a standard 29 gallon aquarium

What is a good beginner fish.I have a half gallon bowl and my betta fish died.Not from overfeeding though.I know it's not that.I might be able to get a tank later on.?

Half gallon is miniature! it is cruel to keep a fish in a tank that size. I would definitely recommend getting a new, bigger tank. A 10 gallon would be ideal, fish options could be guppies (even though they breed like crazy) mollies, sword tails or platies.

What size fish can you put in your one gallon aquarium?

You can put one maybe 2 one-inch fishes in your one gallon aquarium

What are dimensions for 250 gallon aquarium?
