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Q: 3 areas of highland in europe?
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Is there a highland in Europe?

yes,there is a highland in Europe.

What are 3 highland areas in Northern Ireland?

The Mournes, the Glenshane Pass and the Glens of Antrim.

Large-scale population clusters in Southeast Asia exist in all but which areas?

interior highland areas

Where are the highland areas in Scotland?

Grampian Mountains

What is the large highland areas in Tibet?


What is a highland landform?

Vegetations areas with elevation.

Highland climate in the US?

Highland climates are found in mountain areas such as Arizona and Upstate New York.

What two qualities made the highland areas in Africa attracted to European settlers?

First they r closer area to europe second, people there are peaceful and places are awsome and attractive to settlers

Are tornadoes commonly found in the highland areas?

Tornadoes are more often associated with plains, but they are not uncommon in some highland areas. Overall climate has more influence on tornado frequency than topography.

Why are highland areas cooler than lowland areas?

the reason is because of the rain forest am i right computer?

What region in Asia has a region with humid subtropical and highland areas?

Central Asia :)

Which physical feature in central Europe has the highland climate and relatively few people?

The Alps.