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Achilleus, son of Peleus Agamemnon, Atreus' son
Zeus, son of Kronos

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Q: 3 examples of patronymics in The Iliad?
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Who is the star of The Iliad?

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What is a long narrative poem about gods or heroes called?

An epic poem is a long narrative poem that typically tells the story of gods, heroes, or legendary events. Examples include the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.

Is Hector a heroe from The Iliad?

Yes Hector is from the Iliad.

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What are some examples of someone trying to prove their honor in the Iliad?

Some examples of characters trying to prove their honor in the Iliad include Achilles seeking vengeance for the death of Patroclus to restore his honor, Hector challenging any Greek warrior to single combat to defend his city's honor, and Agamemnon leading the Greek forces in battle to protect his honor as a leader.

How does the odyssey continue the of the Iliad?

The Odyssey continues the story of the Iliad by telling that Odysseus is one of the Greek heroes of the Iliad.

What are the Iliad and the Odyssey long poems about the Trojan War and its aftermath examples of?

The Iliad and the Odyssey are examples of epic poems in Greek literature. The Iliad focuses on the Trojan War, particularly the anger of Achilles, while the Odyssey follows the journey of Odysseus as he tries to return home after the war. Both poems are attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer.

Famous epic poem by homer?

The famous epic poem by Homer is called "The Iliad" and it is about the Trojan War.

How wrote The Iliad and the odysessy?

Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odysessy

How old is The Iliad?

the Iliad was mad in 720 C.E. in Constantinople.