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It could be that your chihuahua has worms, should be dewormed as soon as possible if you already havent.

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Q: 3 week old chihuahua and isn't breathing right and blood in stools What is wrong?
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There are many stores that sell adjustable stools, including Sears and the Amazon website. Both offer a wide range of adjustable stools so you can choose the one that is right for your family.

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==TAKE THIS DOG TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY. ANY ANIMAL THAT HAS BLOOD IN IT'S URINE SHOULD GO TO THE VET ASAP!!!!== ==If you we're peeing and you saw blood in your urine, would you be posting a message on wikianswers or would you be on the phone with the doctor??==

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No...the dosage may be too much for a chihuahua to handle. Your vet can give you the right dewormer and dosage for your chihuahua's weight.

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B/C people who do this are hyperventilating and expelling too much Carbon Dioxide from their blood. Breathing into a paper bag helps them HYPOventilate to the point where they're calmed. You exhale 17% oxygen, 4% carbon dioxide, 89% nitrogen. The CO2 helps slow the breathing by balancing the right amount of CO2 back into the blood.

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it sounds like breathing in your right ear

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I am sure you mean the lowest. It is the lowest in the venous side of the circulatory system and it is highest in the arteries right off the heart. The very lowest blood pressure would be in the veins and the blood flow will need help to move blood back to the heart by muscle contractions and breathing. There is where the blood flow is the slowest.

What if a puppy is not breathing after birth?

If your puppy is not breathing after birth then you must clear it's nose and swing it gently. Left, right, left, right...