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One went from Krakatoa in Indonesia to England. They can move as fast as a commercial jet plane.

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Q: 4 How far and at what speeds can tsunamis travel?
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How far can lightning bolts travel?

They length of a lightning bolt is 2 to 3 miles long, and they can travel twice as far as there length, so the answer is they can travel 4 to 6 miles.

How far can you travel in 4 minutes going 29 mph?

1.93 miles.

How long would it take light to travel 2000 miles?

Less than the blink of an eye; about 0.0107 second.

What is a destructive wave?

A destructive wave is a wave that carries energy and can cause destruction when it reaches land. It is usually caused by strong winds that are generated by storms or cyclones which push water up and onto the shore. Destructive waves can cause severe damage to buildings roads and other infrastructure as well as pose a threat to human safety. They can also cause significant erosion to beaches and shorelines. Destructive waves can be categorized into two main types: Tsunamis Tsunamis are waves that are generated by earthquakes and volcanoes under the ocean. They can travel at high speeds and reach heights of up to 30 meters when they reach land. Storm surge Storm surge is a rise in sea level caused by strong winds from a storm. It can reach heights of up to 4 meters and can travel hundreds of kilometers inland.Destructive waves can cause extensive damage to coastal areas and can be extremely dangerous for people in the affected areas. People should be aware of the potential for destructive waves and take precautions to protect themselves and their property.

How long does it take light to travel a distance of 2700 light years?

Well, it takes 2,700 years for light to travel that far. Anything travelling at half light-speed would take 5,400 years. At 1/4 light-speed, it would take 10,800 years.