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Q: 4 Why did the United States and the opp Soviet Union clash over Soviet dissidents?
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What two countries were involve in the cold war?

United States and the Soviet Union

Who were the opponents of the Soviet Union?

The opponents of the Soviet Union included countries that were part of the Western bloc, such as the United States and its NATO allies. These countries opposed the Soviet Union due to ideological differences and the fear of Soviet expansionism. Additionally, there were internal opposition groups within the Soviet Union itself, such as dissidents and anti-communist organizations.

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The United States (South Korea) and the Soviet Union (North Korea)

How was the Soviet Union presented?

In United States, you present Soviet Union. But in Soviet Russia, it present you!

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The United States of America and The Soviet Union.

Why did the wartime alliance between the United states and soviet Union unravel?

The United States and the Soviet Union disagreed on the future of Eastern Europe.

In what primary way did the goals for U.S. Intervention in Europe differ from those of the Soviet Union?

The United States wanted to limit the spread of communism, but the Soviet Union did not.

Which nations were superpowers after world war 2?

The United States and the Soviet Union were the Superpowers after World War 2.

After World War 2 what two super powers fought the Cold War?

Soviet Union and United States

What 3 powers met at the potsdam conference?

The united states, great britan, and the Soviet Union

Who did United States have a cold war with?

The Soviet Union (USSR, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Which pair of lands was separated by Communism?

Czechoslovakia was split into the Czech Republic an Slovakia because of communism.