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Q: 500 kcal daily for a month a person can gain how much weight?
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What would be the weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 kcalories daily for one month?


What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 kcalories daily for one month?


What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 cals daily for one month?

4 pounds

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

What constitutes sudden weight gain?

A weight gain of more than 10% body weight within a month.

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Can eating potatoes make a person to gain weight?

Potatoes are nutritious but they could lead to weight gain. They are high in carbohydrates. That being said, they should only be eaten to fulfill the daily value of nutritional recommendation.

How soon do you gain weight if you are pregnant?

Third Month

Do calories make you gain weight?

Yes, if you go over your daily maintenance(the amount of calories your body burns of daily) you will gain weight. If you can keep it at the same level you will maintain weight and if you go under your daily maintenance you will loose weight.

What is average daily weight gain for market hogs?


What is a weight gain calculator most useful for?

A weight gain calculator is useful in determining how many calories you need to intake on a daily basis in order to gain "good" weight and build muscle.

Do you quickly gain a lot of weight in the first month of pregnancy?

No, not usually. It's probably not very healthy to gain a lot of weight in the first month. The baby doesn't weight more than a few ounces in the first month. If you have gained a lot of weight and are pregnant, talk to your doctor.