

5 Why have manatees become endangered?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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one reason is motorboat propelars

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Q: 5 Why have manatees become endangered?
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What dangers or threats is causing manatees to become endangered?

boats and loss of habitat.

Are manatees extint?

No, manatees are not extinct, but some breeds are endangered.

When will manatees be extict?

Manitees are endangered

Are Manatees endangered animals?


Are manatees on the endangered species list?

Manatees are on the endangered species list. In the 1970s, the government gave protection to this animal under the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. The population of Florida manatees is about 5000.

How long has the walrus been endangered?

Manatees have been endangered for about 20 years now.

What is the status of a manatee?

Manatees are protected even though they shouldn't. Manatees are NOT native to Florida so they were just asking to die. Plus after they get hit by a boat they should learn not to ever go up to boats again. Also, it cost 18 million dollars to protect the manatee, that's 18 million we could use to make a new hospital or school. Lastly, Manatees are floating speedbumps who cause 500 dollar fines and 60 days in jail. That's why manatees stink and shouldn't be protected.

Are manatees endanger?

they are endanger because of people killing them and when boats hit them

How can manatees be saved?

yes, manatees can be saved but only by us because we are the main reason they are endangered. we can help not pollute their homes, stop poachers.

Is a manatee a endangered species?

Florida manatees almost became extinct or died out completely

How can you save endangered manatees?

just don't pollute, and people in boats should watch out for them in the gulf. I don't know if anyone still hunts manatees, but they shouldn't.

What kind of endangered animals swam from the gulf of Mexico to Europe and was recently flown to Florida?
