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This can occur when you have recently stopped taking birth control or took the morning after pill. Another possibility is irregular periods.

As you have had 4 negative home pregnancy tests, I would assume you are not pregnant. The current red bleeding is your period and as you used a condom and it did not rip, tear or fall off, there is no chance of pregnancy.

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Q: 8 weeks since LMP - few pregnancy symptoms - 4 neg hpt - current red bleeding - not spotting - during expected period time - used condom could you still be pregnant?
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If you are spotting before your period and are not on the pill could you be pregnant?

Yes and no, if you are spotting it may very well be just that, spotting. But it could also be 'Implantation Bleeding', common in early pregnancy. Best way to find out, go to the shop and get a pregnancy test. Better way, go to your doctor and get a blood test.