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A child, a dog and an enlightened adult human are able to accept a fellow human for what they are: a perfect being.

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Q: A child does not mind its mother's ugliness a dog does not mind its masters poverty?
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Related questions

What year did child poverty start?

There was no starting date for child poverty.

How is teen pregnancy bad for you?

Research and statistics have shown that teen mothers often quit school, live in poverty, and raise their children as a single parent. This is not good for the parent or child.

What establishment provides funding for child poverty in the UK?

The establishment that provides funding for child poverty in the UK is End Child Poverty Coalition. This establishment was founded in 2001 by a group of children's charities.

Why have mothers?

Mothers have eggs which the father fertilizes. Mothers are needed to nurse and educate the child.

How does slumdog millionaire show child poverty in India and what is child poverty?

Poverty means poor, so child poverty is poor children. The movie shows child poverty by showing how the children lived in the slums and the houses they had to live in. The slum showed in the movie is a real slum that real people actually live in, located in India. It is the slum that the child actors live in. It's sad to think people have to live that way.

Why the child is immune to the disease that the mothers have?

The child isn't.

Why do mothers hate their middle child?

Mothers don't hate their middle child ok? They love them but they need discipline they don't hate them.

What are the effect of child trafficking in Africa?


What do you think was the social status of birth mothers or biological mothers in the community?

i think the birth mothers where there to take care of a biological mothers child to help out

A fathers child A mothers child yet no one son who are you?

the daughter

Who is the child of your mothers sister?

The child of your mother's sister is your first cousin.

Is single parenthood a factor in creating poverty for young mothers?

this is absolutely true unless she gets child support from the father,and if she is lucky her own family will also help support her until she can get on her feet, so it is vital she goes to court to obtain a court order for child support from the father.