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Q: A child with bowed legs is likely deficient in vitamin?
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A child with bowed legs is likely deficient in what vitamin?

Vitamin D

Which is most likely to be lacking in a child's diet?

magnesium, vitamin A, and Vitamin D

What nutrients are mostly deficient in children's diet?

It depends on the diet itself. Normally calium and vitamin D. Not getting enough calcium could result in rickets so it is important for your child to get enough vitamins.

Vitamin D and Asthma Link?

Taking vitamin D is usually a good idea because a lot of people are deficient in it but whether or not it is effective as a sole treatment for your Asthma is something you really need to consult your doctor about.

What is the condition of a child with bowed lower legs knobby ribs and a large forehead?


What might happen to a child who is deficient in vitamin D?

Rickets is the most common disease which causes by lack of Vitamin D and calcium, it causes muscles and bones to become soft, which can cause permanent deformities in children. Vitamin D is required for calcium to be properly absorbed into bones to strengthen them. Adults rarely develop rickets because their bones are not growing and do not need much calcium.

Which vitamins are deficient in a child with CF?

People with cystic fibrosis have difficulty absorbing fat so they can become deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Benny a 6-year old child who is allergic to milk has extremely bowed legs what condition do you suspect and what is the connection to no drinking milk?

The condition may be Rickets, however, this condition is rare. His lack of milk is not likely to be the cause of this. Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium and the body makes vitamin D from sunlight. Now I bet you are thinking that not drinking milk is causing the lack of calcium, however, cows milk has no benefits to humans. Calcium from green vegetables is more beneficial to humans. In conclusion I would have Benny be outside more and eat his green vegetables.

What does a young child get if it is short of vitamin C?

if a young child does not have enough vitamin c they will get very sick. so make sure that you have your vitamin c daily. stay healthy!

What can treatment with a few drops of pure vitamin A do for the child?

I advise you to read the medicine directions before. Each drop of vitamin A contains 5000 UI, and some drops would be too much for the child. Who prescribed the vitamin for the child ? What is the disturb that requires vitamin A for the child ? Usually, Vitamin A is administered together with vitamin D2, for kids and adults. however, such association requires medical prescription, notably from a pediatrician, because vitamin D2 is usually prescribed to fight rickets. Vitamin A, alone has another indication.

When do you stop giving your child vitamin d milk?

I'm an adult and I still drink vitamin D milk.

Alike about an adult multivitamin and a child multivitamin?

they both are are vitamin