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(DM) DIABETIS MELLITUS The pancreas fails to produce insulin, therefore the person has high blood sugar (glycosuria). The kidney will attempt to lover the high blood sugar level by excreting excess sugar in the urine. ANSWER The above answer has true and false information. Diabetes mellitus is the chronic disorder you ask of. However, glycosuria is any glucose in the urine (which is never normal). Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar. (-emia = blood..... -uria = urine.) The glucose is not put in the urine by a healthy kidney trying to rid the blood of excess sugar, it is put in there by a damaged kidney. The damage will have been caused by chronic hyperglycemia, causing the glomerular capsule to basically rupture, allowing large molecules (like glucose and protein... protienuria) to spill into the urine. The pancreas may be failing to produce insulin, but it may also not be producing enough. Also, the body may not be able to use insulin to allow glucose to enter the cells for metabolism.

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Q: A chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism which results in hyperglycemia and glycosuria is?
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Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) was discovered by John Menkes in 1954. This is a disorder whereby there is a disruption in the metabolism of branched-chained amino acids.

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Could be low blood sugar or diabetes

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Belinda probably either has a high metabolism, has a healthy diet and exercise routine, or may even have an eating disorder.

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None are diagnostic of the disorder, but PET scan and FMRI scan can show differences in metabolism. These differences can sometimes identify different moods.

What is a metabolism disorder?

Metabolic disorders refers to diseases or disorders of the internal body chemistry that causes the body's metabolism. The term metabolic disorders usually does not include hormonal disorders or endocrine disorders which refer to the interactions between body glands and hormones.

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Just because your BMI is in the underweight category doesn't necessarily mean you have an eating disorder, although that is a sign. But some people can just have a higher metabolism than others, making them weigh less than average.

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About 20 minutes until you know if ur full. I don't know about that ,thought.