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The answer to the riddle "A confusing equine coloring. Using either the first or second alphabetical vowels" is grey. "Grey" is used in the European and Commonwealth English while "gray" has been used in the American English language although the former is also accepted.

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Q: A confusing equine coloring Using either the first or second alphabetical vowels?
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A confusing equine coloring using either first or second alphabetical vowel?


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A confusing equine coloring?

What a great question! There are some colors and coat patterns that can be confusing, especially to an untrained eye. Duns, grullas, some roans, certain shades of palomino. When you throw in dorsel stripes, leg stripes, white hair mixed in certain coats it can make your head spin.

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Can you be an equine and a small animal vet?

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Will equine dentists be a future job?

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