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It has lost its active 3D structure and therefore it is not functional anymore.

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Shape, therefor function.

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Shape, function and hydrogen bonds.

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Q: A denatured protein or DNA molecules has lost what?
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What are the Spherical protein molecules around which DNA wraps?


What is the role of DNA molecules in the synthesis of proteins?

they determine the sequence of amino acids in a protein i think

What does it mean to denature an enzyme?

The dependence of protein function on a protein's specific shape becomes clear when proteins are altered. Denaturation is the process by which proteins lose their structure and function because of an outside factor, such as a change in temperature or pH.

Which organelle is the most numerous and the site of protein synthesis?

DNA is the main source of protein synthesis. the process in which DNA makes protein is called transcription. first DNA makes RNA with the help of a blue molecule found in the nucleus. now these RNA gets out of the nucleus and is bounded by another molecule which secrets protein from RNA. there are special transfer molecules for carrying proteins

What is the difference between mitosis and protein synthesis?

Well, literally, DNA replication is DNA copying itself, and protein synthesis is producing protein molecules according to the DNA sequences.DNA replication occurs only once in each cell generation during the S phase of the cell cycle, you might know, but the protein synthesis can occur as many times as needed.As you know, the DNA is double-stranded. In the replication, the strands are separated creating replication fork. However, in protein synthesis, the strands are separated and mRNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase.Protein is synthesized by special molecules known as RNA molecules(mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA), which are not needed in DNA replication.Protein synthesis requires amino acids, whereas DNA replication requires Nucleic acids.

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What is the bacteriophage used by hershy and chase consisted of two types of molecules?

Hershey and Chase's experiment used bacteriophage T2, which consists of protein and DNA molecules. They were able to show that only the DNA component of the bacteriophage was responsible for carrying genetic information into the host bacterial cell during infection.

What type of molecule is a histone?

Protein Molecules. "Dna coild around protein molecules called histones."

How many stands are in DNA?

DNA is double-stranded, unless it has been denatured, then the two strands separate, forming two single-stranded molecules.

Do protein molecules store DNA?

Im not sure. Sorry.

What are the Spherical protein molecules around which DNA wraps?


How is a denatured protein different from a normal protein?

First of all, a protein consists of chains of amino acids and a single amino acid is coded by one codon of DNA. Mutations are able to insert, delete, replace and shift codons, which can result in amino acids being changed, removed or added, which would affect the protein that the amino acids are building.For example;Here is a strand of DNA in which the three codons in the middle codes for the amino acids.....TGG ATT ATG GAG TTC....-----> Isoleucine, Methionine, Glutamic acidSay that the strand of DNA has it's reading frame mutated (shifted).....GGA TTA TGG AGT TC....-----> Leucine, Tryptophan, SerineNotice how completely different amino acids arose from the mutation. Such a change may effect the protein's characteristics, as well as the phenotype of the organism.

What molecules contain instructions for building protein?

DNA (and sometimes RNA).

Does DNA molecules moves regularly from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?

No. RNA and Protein do

What molecule is a chromosome made of?

A chromosome is made of DNA, which consists of long chains of nucleotides. These nucleotides are composed of a phosphate group, a sugar molecule, and one of four nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine).

What molecules store information needed to manufacture protein?

The chromosome. It is very long single thread of DNA. There are many genes, which signal production of the protein molecules.

What type of protein opens up DNA molecules to start transcription of mRNA?

RNA polymerase is the protein that unwinds and opens up the DNA double helix to initiate transcription of mRNA by reading and copying the DNA sequence into RNA.

Are protein molecules made up of strands of DNA joined together by amino acid sequences?

No, protein molecules are not made up of strands of DNA joined together. DNA contains the genetic information that codes for the synthesis of proteins. Proteins are made up of amino acids joined together in a specific sequence dictated by the instructions encoded in the DNA molecule.