

A description on a Burmese cat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Burmese have gold eyes and are the only cat in the world with a pure brown coat. Burmese are also the most intelligent cat they are very smart. They stay like kitten their entire life.

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Q: A description on a Burmese cat?
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Is the Burmese cat breed recognized by the TICA?

The Burmese cat is recognized by The International Cat Association or TICA.

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The American Burmese cat is not recognized by the FIFe. However, the European Burmese is recognized.

Can a purebred Burmese cat have hazel eyes?

No, a purebred Burmese cat does not have hazel eyes.

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No, a Burmese cat does not need to be groomed daily.

Is the Burmese cat breed recognized by the CFA?

The Burmese cat breed is recognized by Cat Fanciers' Association, or CFA.

Can a purebred Burmese cat be longhaired?

No, the purebred Burmese cat will not be longhaired. The cat will be short haired or semi-longhair.

Can a purebred Burmese cat have a sable coat?

Yes, the purebred Burmese cat can have a sable coat.

Can a purebred Burmese cat have a red coat?

Yes, there are purebred Burmese cat that have a red coat.

When was the Burmese cat breed recognized by the CFA?

In 1936, the Burmese cat breed recognized by the CFA.

What do the Burmese and Siamese cat breeds have in common?

Yes, the Burmese cat breed is closely related to the Siamese cat breed.