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Q: A disease to which native americans had no resistance?
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Killed millons of native Americans after 1492?

Diseases that were brought to the Americas from Europe. Americans had no immunities from those diseases. What would make a European mildly sick would kill people that had no resistance at all.

What were the affects of disease on native Americans?


What were the effects of the european immigration on the native americans?

The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.

How where the plains Indians nearly destroyed?

Like most Native American tribes, the plains tribes were nearly destroyed by disease. The Native Americans had no resistance to upper respiratory infections like influenza. As soon as first contact was made with the Europeans, depopulation of the Native Americans started. Some research suggests that the Native Americans were depopulated by as much as 90% by the late 1800s.

Why did disease kill off so many native Americans when the Spanish first arrived?

Disease, particularly smallpox, killed a significant number of Native Americans when the Spanish arrived because the Indigenous populations had no immunity to these new diseases. They had not been previously exposed to them, while Europeans had built up some level of resistance over centuries. This lack of immunity allowed diseases brought by the Spanish to spread rapidly and ravage Native American communities.

Organized resistance by Native Americans came to an end on the southern plains in what year?

Organized resistance by Native Americans on the southern plains came to an end in 1898. That was the year of the Wounded Knee massacre.

What disease killed millions of native americans?


What disease did Native Americans contract?

Mostly smallpox

What was the biggest killer of Native Americans in the west?


What was one result of the loss of the native live to disease?

One result of the loss of Native American lives to disease is that the Native Americans moved farther away from the Europeans. Another result of disease among the Native Americans was their lack of people to fight the Europeans for land.

How effective was the native Americans' resistance to removal?

MY ANSWER!!Not very effective if you ask me.....

Which of these results of the Columbian Exchange was negative for Native Americans?

Native Americans received disease. Although they lost much, the introduction of disease especially STD's.