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The law of cross-cutting relationships.

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Q: A fault or body is younger than any other body of rock it cuts through according to the law of what?
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A fault or body of rock is younger than any other body of rock it cuts through according to the law of?

The law of cross-cutting relationships.

Which is younger a fault or sandstone?

One is not necessarily older than the other. It depends on the context. A fault running through any rock must be younger than that rock.

When there is an igneous intrusion and a fault line which one is younger?

That depends! If the fault line cross cuts the igneous intrusion causing the intrusion to be displaced on either side of the fault and forming a broken mass of rock within the intrusion known as a fault breccia then the fault is younger than the intrusions, as the intrusion must have already existed for the fault to cause it's displacement. If on the other hand the igneous intrusion cross cuts the fault and is un-deformed then it is probable that it is younger than the fault.

Explain how scientists use the law of crosscutting relationships to determine the relative ages of rock layers and a fault that cuts through the layers?

well love is a boy and a girl together meh3>

Which fault line runs through new york?

The Ramapo Fault runs through New York, although it is not as active as other fault lines like the San Andreas Fault in California.

What is through fault?

A fault occurs by 2 plates sliding along each other and then breaking.

Can Reverse fault cause older beds to overlie younger beds?

No, reverse faults typically place older rocks on top of younger rocks. This is a result of compressional stress in the Earth's crust that pushes rocks upward and over each other along the fault plane.

What fault would create landforms through shearing stress?

A strike-slip fault would create landforms through shearing stress. In a strike-slip fault, two blocks of rock slide past each other horizontally, causing a horizontal shearing stress that can result in landforms such as fault scarps or offset river channels.

What happens when a licensed driver gets into an accident and does not have insurance?

They can be sued by the other driver for damamges (if at fault). If not at fault, they may have a very difficult time getting insurance in the future and when they do, the premiums will be through the roof.

How did the San Andreas fault happen?

It happens by two boundaries pushing past each other which goes through California.

What is a compressional fault?

A compressional fault is a type of geological fault where the rock layers are squeezed together, causing them to move vertically in relation to each other. This can lead to the formation of thrust faults, where older rock layers are pushed up and over younger layers. Compressional faults are commonly associated with convergent plate boundaries where tectonic forces push rocks together.

In Utah can you collect unemployment for cut in your hours?

According to the Related Link below, you qualify (among other requirements) if you are partially or totally unemployed through no fault of your own. You need to check with Utah's unemployment office to see if your situation meets the test.