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Q: A fish in which toxins occur as a natural part is?
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Which country of china do natural disasters occur in?

China is in itself a country; by extension, natural disasters cannot occur in a country of a country. If you mean what part of China experiences natural disasters, they are experienced in virtually every part of China, just as in any other part of the world.

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natural selection is part of this

Do Pooka fish exist?

I wouldn't buy Pooka fish, in fact if you live in the U.S, I believe it's illegal. The reason why you shouldn't buy it is because even though they eat the dead skin of your foot or any other body part, their saliva contains very dangerous toxins that can damage your nervous system.

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Natural calamities don't waste human resources, people waste human resources. Natural calamities are a part of the natural world, well known to people. The fact that humans ignore that natural calamities may occur, and don't make allowances for the eventuality and inevitability is part of the fallibility of being human.

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I'd say trees plants and animals. And you could tell whales were a part of these natural resources.

How many penguins eat caterpillars?

Caterpillars are not part of a Penguins diet, the only food available to Penguins in their natural environment is fish.

Are toxins multicellular?

Toxins are poisonous chemicals, which may or may not be produced as the secretion of cells (and if they are, the cells may or may not be part of a multicellular organism).

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Hail can occur in any part of Illinois.

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Why do kio fish turn color?

It is just part of there natural growth. They can live to be very old so they may change a lot from when you first got them.

Does Cuba have fishing resources?

Cuba is completely surrounded by water, so yes it does have fishing resources, fish and shellfish are part of Cuba's natural resources.

What does the liver do to many toxins?

Toxins that have been absorbed from the intestine, inhaled, injected or otherwise taken into the body or are circulated in the blood to the liver where for the most part they are rendered harmless.