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carbon nanotubes

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The Buckminsterfullerene.

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Q: A form of pure carbon with atoms arranged in the shape of a hollow sphere?
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What is a form of pure carbon with atoms arranged in the shape of a long hollow tube?

You've described a carbon nanotube.

What is the shape of pure carbon fullerness?

A "fullerene" or "bucky ball" - named after designer Buckminster Fuller - is a hollow, cage-like sphere. In this case, one composed of interlinked carbon atoms.

How can diamond and graphite both be carbon?

This is because the carbon atoms are arranged differently in diamond and graphite. In a diamond, the carbon atoms are in a three dimensional crystal lattice structure. In graphite, the carbon atoms are arranged in a two dimensional sheet.

How are the carbon atoms in a benzene molecule arranged?

6-carbon ring

How are the the carbon atoms arranged in diamond?

Carbon atoms are arranged in a tetrahedral fashion. Four carbon atoms will form single covalent bonds around the central atom all at the maximum angle away from each other (approx 109 degrees). These four are then joined by a further three carbon atoms again all having single covalent bonds. These bonds just keep forming. Use this link, below, to get a view of it: the black dots represent carbon atoms and the lines are single covalent bonds.In a diamond, the carbon atoms are arranged tetrahedrally.

Why are carbon atoms in propane not in a straight line?

When carbon atom forms four sigma bonds its atomic orbitals hybridization is sp3and four atoms tetrahedrally arranged around carbon atom at the angles of 109.50, so in propane three carbon atoms can not be arranged in a straight line.

A form of the element carbon in which the atoms are arranged in a crystal structure?


How are the H atoms in CH4 arranged?

They are arranged around carbon atoms.They arrange like a tetrahedral

What is a form of carbon that consists of atoms in the form of a long hollow cylinder?


Is charcoal a rock?

No. Charcoal is made up of mostly carbon atoms which are not arranged in a crystal lattice. Diamond and graphite are examples of carbon atoms arranged in a lattice. Charcoal has been created from fires for millions of years and can be in rocks.

WHAT ARE diamonds and coal are made of?

They are both made of pure carbon but are the atoms are arranged differently.

What are the pure forms of carbon?

Charcoal - a form of non-crystalline carbon Graphite - crystalline carbon - known as 'pencil llead' (although there is no lead in it!). In graphit, the atoms are joined together in flat sheets. Diamond - crystalline carbon with the carbon atoms arranged differently from graphite - in a huge 3d matrix. Buckminsterfullerene - a newly dicovered form of carbon where the atoms are joined together in hollow balls (called 'bucky-balls'). The investigation into this form of carbon in the future may lead to carbon 'nanotubes' - hollow tubes made out of elongated bucky-balls. These tubes, it is believed, will produce carbon that is immensely strong - like fibres as thin as your hair that could support the weight of a bus.